A fat gnome is seen arranging paperwork at the speaking platform in the Town Hall. As he finishes, he turns to the assembled people, and begins to speak.
Thank you all for coming. My name is Dugo Nish, and I am running for council in the upcoming elections.
Today, I would like to share with you all my views on the economy of our city. Lower Sanctuary has been disarray for many years. After the rebellion and the separation, many damage was done to the social status of the people in Lower, as to the state of some buildings and commerce. Now, there is an official reunification of both halves of our town, but a sharp division remains in many people's minds. If I am elected to council, I will make sure that Lower Sanctuary is rebuilt to its former glory. Funds will be spent to get rid of vagrants and criminals, as well to help the poor. Extra stimulation for the forming of honest business in Lower Sanctuary, as well as extra funds for the Lower Watch should result in a an economic boom in Lower Sanctuary, resulting in less crime and poverty, and more welfare for its citizens. Eventually, I hope to pull this entire process through, all the way to the lower gates, which will then be rebuilt. The canal exit will be cleared, and we will attempt to open trade with other settlements along the Dark Lake. The goblin warren will remain so long as is possible. I intend to fight for a partial abolishment of the monstrous races laws, and if I am successful, the goblin warren will also be cleared of potentially bad seeds.
I would like to thank you for listening, and I hope that you will vote for me.
The gnome crams the paperwork back into his pack, and descends from the platform.