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Campaign speeches delivered by Dugo Nish at the Town Hall

A fat gnome is seen arranging paperwork at the speaking platform in the Town Hall. As he finishes, he turns to the assembled people, and begins to speak.

Thank you all for coming. My name is Dugo Nish, and I am running for council in the upcoming elections.

Today, I would like to share with you all my views on the economy of our city. Lower Sanctuary has been disarray for many years. After the rebellion and the separation, many damage was done to the social status of the people in Lower, as to the state of some buildings and commerce. Now, there is an official reunification of both halves of our town, but a sharp division remains in many people's minds. If I am elected to council, I will make sure that Lower Sanctuary is rebuilt to its former glory. Funds will be spent to get rid of vagrants and criminals, as well to help the poor. Extra stimulation for the forming of honest business in Lower Sanctuary, as well as extra funds for the Lower Watch should result in a an economic boom in Lower Sanctuary, resulting in less crime and poverty, and more welfare for its citizens. Eventually, I hope to pull this entire process through, all the way to the lower gates, which will then be rebuilt. The canal exit will be cleared, and we will attempt to open trade with other settlements along the Dark Lake. The goblin warren will remain so long as is possible. I intend to fight for a partial abolishment of the monstrous races laws, and if I am successful, the goblin warren will also be cleared of potentially bad seeds.

I would like to thank you for listening, and I hope that you will vote for me.

The gnome crams the paperwork back into his pack, and descends from the platform.

Dugo once more steps up to the speaker's platform in the Town Hall.

Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today to eradicate any doubt people might have in my policies regarding the Monstrous races laws.

First, let me get one thing very clear: I do NOT support abolishment of this law. Removal of slavers and abberants from our city is a good thing, and they should by no means be granted free access to our city under any circumstance.

People, however, appear to be forgetting our position. We are a small settlement in the Underdark, with run-down defenses that are minimal in the first place, with many, many dangers around us. Only recently, our city had nearly been invaded by a band of goblins who were able to run into an open gate with no guards posted on it.

Would we have been able to prevent this attack? I think so. How? Not by spending money, materials and men we don't have on fortifying the Lower gates. Instead, engaging in trade relations and negotiations would have given us more opportunities. We have valuable resources that other people can use. They can try to raid us and steal them. They'll probably suffer heavy losses in trying, but so will we. They could also trade with us for it. Sadly, they are unable to do so, because we don't allow a single one access to our city.

I give you as an example the Shadow Tribe kobolds. These despicable creatures, lead by their dragon lord, refused to leave our city. We tried forcing them out, and were met with heavy resistance. After, however, actually negotiating with them, they soon left under a few minor terms.

I find it terribly surprising that people require our citizens to be attacked before taking action. We can surely say that the goblins in the Goblin Warren -are- planning to attack us. Why? Because they are trapped in their warren. The only way out is through our city, which they are not allowed to enter. If we give them a little room, the pressure will be alleviated, the goblins will calm down, and we will not have to go to war with them.

My dear ladies and gentlemen, if we do not act on this matter, and keep acting as though we are the superior factor in the entire Underdark, able to impose exiles and other such things on every creature we dislike, we face our complete and utter destruction. We are a smudge on the map, and no amount of taller walls, animatrons, or new Watch recruits will change that.

We are vulnerable, and we cannot afford armor. Therefore, we should not fight. Give the monstrous creatures of the Underdark a little more leniency, instead of treating them like the filth that they are and enraging them.

Thank you.

The gnome steps down from the platform, and exits the Town Hall shortly after.