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Vote Nish!

Posters are put up all over town, in both Lower and Upper Sanctuary. Notably, the western wall of the Last Stand has been entirely covered in posters. All of the posters are the same, and read as follows:

Don't eat smelly fish, vote Dugo Nish!

Vote Dugo Nish in the upcoming council elections. For a united and fair Sanctuary.

A small, pre-written notice in a neat and practised hand is tacked up on the wall of the Last Stand, careful to cover as few of these posters as possible. It reads;

Smelly fish, I may be, But at least I live, nice and free.

Rhyming aside, any chance we could meet, Dugo Nish? I can be reached at the Pissing Crone.

Lovingly from one of your rivals, Lynette

*many more posters are put up*

*yet more posters are placed*