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New Faction: Tribe of the Blade

In the distant past, a tribe of Gurs - calling themselves only the Tribe of the Blade - entered into the Underdark, and traveled through the darkness of the caves, surviving the many challenges of the Underdark through a combination of bladecraft, cunning, prophecy, a unique code of honor, and developed system of ranks that give their tribe form and structure. As time passed, the original Gur tribe welcomed into their number all sorts of native Underdark denizens and other exotic wanderers. Guided by the prophetic visions of their "Mother," they wander through the caves now in search of a strange settlement known only as Sanctuary.

The Tribe of the Blade is a new faction that is coming to Sanctuary. Players who are interested in this faction may, after contacting me privately, submit applications for a background involving membership in the tribe. Alternatively, any sort of character would be welcome to pursue admission into the tribe (which is always eager to grow its numbers) once it arrives. The Tribe describes themselves as traders and mercenaries, and PC members would be expected be to pursue mercenary contracts and help the tribe grow and prosper. A large part of the faction revolves around faction rank. The tribe is split up into ten ranks, and progressing (or decreasing) in rank is a major focus for many members of the tribe. Rank promotion comes from things such as donating, recruitment, finding contracts for the tribe, duels, the completion of special tasks and challenges, and many other things. Of course, the faction wouldn't be EfU if it didn't have plenty of colorful NPCs, secrets, and mysteries.

Any alignment or class (except for possibly paladin) would be appropriate for this faction, however if you're interested in having a character that starts as a member of the group please do speak with me privately.

Canon info on Gur:

The Gurs, also known as "Selune's Children" or "the people of the highway" are nomads of the Western Heartlands. Most Gurs are members of extended family groups that travel together from settlement to settlement in motley caravans selling cheap cast-offs and working odd jobs. Others have settled in the poorest quarters of cities such as Balder's Gate, Elturel, and Irieabor, where they struggle to survive in the face of ancient prejudices. Among those few scholars who have studied their culture, the Gurs are thought to be primarily of Rashemi descent. Although they certainly intermingled with members of other ethnic groups, they strongly resemble natives of Rashemen. As fragments of lore dating back to the erection of the Standing Stone refer to the nomadic Gurs, it is thought that they fled their ancient homeland during or immediately after the cataclysmic battle between Raumathar and Narfell. Speakers of an ancient dialect of Rashemi among themselves, the honor-obessed Gurs employ the Thorass alphabet and speak Chondathan with non-Gurs. Many of Selune's children are unusually gifted oracles and find employment as Soothsayers and diviners. In addition to the goddess of the moon, many prophetically inclined Gurs venerate Savras. Their secrative faith may in large part account for the continual survival of his faith during his many years of imprisonment.

Anyone who wants information on this join channel #tribe and speak with the people there for details.

I thought we agreed to call this tribe 'quest'

Ahahahaha! Yes! He shoots, he scores!

You're buggin out, Nawty!