Home > Suggestions

Couple small suggestions

Make map pins permanent. Don't know how possible this is, but it does help, especially for outlying exploring.

Also, the captain in the tiger eye fortress has a quest, but doesn't make reference to it if your party size isn't sufficient. Maybe add a line in his conversation if your party isn't big enough that says something along the lines of "I have a job for you, but, I think you need a few more sword arms." Something so the characters have an IC way of knowing they need more help.

Small stuff.

Captain dialogue fixed.

I'm kind of opposed to making map pins permanent, just because I like the idea that players will need to struggle to learn the terrain and those that do will be valued and respected guides.

Fair enough point.

As soon as I get a chance, I'm going to be add a Mapmaking kit which will allow you to "save" your map pins to a map item, which you can then use to refresh your pins for that specific area. These maps can then be copied, traded, sold, etc. Explorers interested in keeping persistent notes on areas will be able to use these maps to record such notes.

I'm considering outright holding off on adding these until the SetName functionality of v1.67 has been added in, so that the maps can be given names (to make organization easier) rather than all being named "Scribed Map", which would be a pain to search through.

Wow. That sounds really good. Being able to sell people maps you make yourself would be just fantastic.

I smell infinite potential for PC run quests.

A hundred steps to the east, fifteen to the northwest. Turn right after the big mushroom and pass under the bridge. Look for a spot marked 'X'.

Random Player looks around.

Random Player fails search-check.

A group of Kobold are chuckling as the fivehundred pound anvil drops down, splashing Random Player to goo.

"Yip yip! Stupids!"