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The Outsider

Material Beings of Sanctuary

The Threat of the Outsider is looming. Drow have begun to bargain with demons and devils in reference to Sanctuary. Even near the surface they operate against the city. My group of stalwart legionarres entered the castle ruins at Beregost, to discover a drow demologist and his Balor stealing relics. As we attempted to destroy the threat, we went through a portal- which went to Sanctuary. This demonologist has been in the region, and is waiting for souls to sacrifice to the Outsider.

Any information on the whereabouts of this drow, his associates, or the Balor which they believe that they work with, will yield compensation if it is new and relevant to the task at hand. Send all information to Anden at the Last Stand Inn.

If you wish to join the fight against the Outsider, or learn more about it, contact the same way. The Outsider has slowly creeped into this plane, and will try to snatch it from the denziens of it slowly. It is not an immediate threat to the city, but it is an immediate threat to this entire plane of existance.


A few eves ago, there was a devil threat to -Sanctuary itself-. Those willing went to the Windy Caverns to enter a pocket plane where the devil had portals to Town Hall set up, and was in a ritual to send devils into the city itself to slaughter and enslave innocent, unarmed civilians. This is no longer a threat less important than the latest gnoll camp passing by. The Demon Hunters, under Anden Thelhalenn, are here to serve as a suppliment for the Watch in proactively fighting these threats. It is your duty, citizens, to do what you can to fight against the threat of the Outsider. I will be giving a lecture at ((4 pm pst, 12 gmt, roughly 9 hours from post)) at the arena for all of those interested in joining or learning more.

Do not put more stress on the defence organizations which give so much. Join the Demon Hunters.

-Anden Thelhalenn

This event will occur soon, and is relocated to Worns Stewhouse should it be open at the time.

((Roughly an hour from the post))

This individual and his organization are in no way a supplement to the Watch or in cooperation with the Watch. If this organization wishes to serve as a supplement to the Watch, it is unfortunate that it has not made any attempt to do so.

*the Seal of the Sheriff is marked with the above notice*

It is true. I used cooperation in a way not official in legal documents. I meant it like a friend uses it to another. He does not cooperate with all of the friend, for no two people are perfect truly for each other. And like that, my organization works with some of the Watch. We are not an official part of it. We help the watch. This is not official, not a legal contract, it is what I believe every citizen should be doing to defend the place that they call home. As for the attempts, I am sure the Sheriff is too busy, which should be respected, not looked down upon. Thank you for taking the time to clarify the legal terms of what I said.

I will report this to the entire city. I was walking near the Hoaran temple when a demon came out of a portal and tried to kill me. Why? I am no master of insights into that of demons or devils. My best guess would be as an assassin sent by a powerful devil, but it could be a random occurance as much as anyone knows. I fought the demon off, until a large number of other adventurers showed up. It was eventually slain. But it shows that demons and devils have a way into the city, a way which must be destroyed to protect the city as much as any other threat.

The Outsider threat is real, proven especially today. We should take into account this when dealing with matters in the city. That goes as advice, not telling anyone how to do their job, to the councillors and law enforcers.

Anden Thelhalenn


The Hunters are looking for reliable ones to fill the ranks of those who fell in defence of this plane, against the Outsider threat. Contact Anden at the Last Stand with your interest and where you can be contacted.

Hunter Anden Thelhalenn

Citizens of Sanctuary,

Cultist Caleb, an assassin working for the False Flame, has struck against the citizens of Sanctuary. He murdered Face, a worker at the Crone. Why? Because Face worked against the Cults plans of blowing up the Crone. Yes, the False Flame wants to set the Crone on fire, and destroy it to bring more business to Worns Old Time Stew Shop. This is their means of funding, the stew you buy from that place. While Uncle Worn himself is not part of the cult, he is being decieved by these cultists, and forced to obey they will from what anyone can tell. The murder of Face was witnessed by Hunter Lankford, and it was done in a cowards fashion, striking from the shadows.

What else has Caleb, the assassin, done? He has murdered Kata Drake, the half-sister of Lord Delorin Drake, the man raising coin to donate to the Watch. Why did this murder happen? Because Kata was investigating the cult. The False Flame feels threatened, and will murder anyone they see as a threat. This is anyone in the city. They are a chaotic threat which must be fought against. They are responsible for the murders of 4 watch privates stationed as peacekeepers in Lower, and responsible for infiltrations into organization, which have been fought off. Caleb sent me a note, fearing for his life. I post this note publicly for all to see his cowardice, and how he hides behind Worn for protection.

Uncle Worn's Ol' Time Stew House cannot prevent accidents, and is grieved at the loss of an employee. You are gifted one free stew at Worns Stew House to come discuss how accidents can become less frequent.

The employee in question was Kata Drake. Stay vigilant, citizens.

-Hunter Anden Thehelann

Residents of Sanctuary,

Today a most awful discovery was made. Myself, Scout Lankford, Jhyllath Kassle, and Geoffry Ictasurl, went on an expedition near the Deep River. We entered a cave and found ogres guards. Assuming it was a vile tribe, we dispatched them. Moving in we found a giant vat of poison being brewed, with men standing over. No less than Caleb and Prideaux were standing there, making a deal with the chieftan there. Under the cover of invisibility, we saw that poison was being handed to them, with the "potency to kill or knock out a man when added to stew." Caleb has banned me from eating stew- I thank him for the warning. He has done me a service by preventing the stew from entering me, though I would not touch such demon-filth if it was the last thing there. Be warned, citizens. These men work with mercenaries, purchasing poison to kill people. If you eat at Worns, you may be the next sacrifice to the eternal Blood War between demons and devils. Uncle Worn is advised to step in and show that he does not support the demonic and horrendous things which the assassin Caleb and the tiefling-demon Prideaux do.

-Hunter Anden Thelhalenn

Citizens of Sanctuary

I am paying gold for the head of the one known as Narr'Ghuul. I will address concerns in the points below.

-> Is this a bounty? No. This is not a bounty, nor is it sponsored by anyone besides myself.

-> Is this legal? Your choice. I am not hiring anyone to kill him, or assassinate him. I am calling for his head. If you find him dead and remove his head, that will garner pay, or if you find a way to remove his head while keeping him alive.

-> Blood is icky. How else can I help? Information on the whereabouts of the cultist Narr'Ghuul will be paid for, and information concerning removing him will also be payed for.

-Hunter Anden Thelhalenn