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Possible Incorrect Info on Maglubiyet

According to other sources...

-Maglubiyet's favored weapon is a battle axe. -Maglubiyet's home plane is the Infernal Field of Acheron -Has totally different titles and a special alias, The Iron One. -A few other interesting things.

Forum Reference: [url]https://efupw.com/efu1-forum/topic/13/139/monster-deities/index.html#post-1357]

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maglubiyet

I've noticed a few other odd inconsistancies in the diety info of others, as well. So I also ask, how important is this accuracy to DMs? I love to read about all this stuff, so I can keep skimming through the dieties, if you think it's worth my time to find and your time to fix it.

This is actually a result of the 3.5 rules revision.

Wait, what? I wasn't aware that the 3.5 rule changes meant that all the deities got changed too. Strange. Are you sure Snoteye?

97.35%. Only a few deities were affected by the change, but some were -- it's nothing compared to how much they changed when they introduced 3rd edition.

This is actually a good example of what the revision meant.