*scattered pamphlets mostly around lower, though some have made their way upwards*
The Hawk is free and so shall we be.
The fortunes of the nobility are earned on the backs of the common man. I say those fortunes are our own. Injustice is estate feasts while the common man starves. Our blood is as red as theirs and it bleeds more often. The system is broken for it punishes those that need the most. From each ability to each need. This is the dream of the Hawks. This is justice, this is equality, this is our destiny.
Tyrants tried to silence me with death for believing in the common man, but what they do not understand is that I am but one man. The dream of the Hawks lives in the hearts of the many and that dream will never die. The people of this city will be free of noble tyranny, free of the whims of Watchmen and Spellguardsman who have only themselves in mind. Brothers and Sisters, the future is ours. The Hawks seek to take back what the people have earned.
Never again will the fate of the many be in the hands of the few. Nobility will be replaced by equality, all will take equal share of the profits and responsibilities of the city. As one unit we will move forward and we will take our freedom back. Join the cause and your freedom will be won. Join the cause and all will be equal. Fight for the rights that god has given you. Be part of the revolution! The Hawks will fight until freedom is won!
Foster Freedom! -Seeker Emanuel Lucas