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The Mother's final call

My character Rollo Stoneshield was called once and for all to serve his patron diety Berronar Truesilver and her partner Moradin in their Hall.

He was a failed blacksmith, and even worse apprentice as an armorer and weaponsmith who was sent to the Temple and bacame a Sonnlinor of Moradin. After being captured by Drow and sold to Duergar for sport, Berronar took pity on him and made him a Faenor - rare among male dwarves.

Starting out as a simple healer, scared of the many Duergar in Sanctuary he eventually rose to being the leader of the Stoutheart Clan. His love for his kinsman forced him to realize that he was best suited to lead the Clan, despite his own doubts of his ability to do so.

Rollo couldn't hold ale worth a crap, had a horrible direction sense, and was extremely afraid of water. He also had a bare chin, due to Duergar torture and subsequent scarring. Amazingly, depite the hundreds of times I emoted Rollo rubbing his bare chin, not one PC asked about it!

Much thanks to the DMs in being patient with my endlessly annoying questions about everything, and helping my transformation from total newb to semi-newb status.

Thanks to all the players of memorable characters and great RP I've had playing Rollo.

The Stouthearts: bobpah as Gimball and Grikon, Rex with Wulgar and Akevitt, pinefish with Gloinar, Talwyn as Porki, Helkesst as Hennrick, Daniel Saeger as Manus, Miller Lites as Apgar and Mydur, Malkavian as Tuur, Figgy, kryppeh and laurachov as Dain and Cliara, Talir, badcompany as Furin, yalta as Kasin, Orukagami as Cronus, and all the others - sorry if I didn't list you

Other important characters in Rollo's time in Sancutary: Meriam, Lemli Cawdor and Secutor's sweet pally, Shane, Jerevar, Grey Jenkins, Tarnis, Mordur, Morgul, Chkthel, Fawkes, Saher Mumford, Ruby, Bern, that arse priest of Garagos in red armor :D , Ferrington, Lathain, Nikitovitch, Mzibi, Sir Belmont, Inquisitor's craven-hating knight of Archibald and his short-lived dwarf priest, the female paladin that ran the House of Light :oops: , and the MANY, MANY others that have made RPing him so much fun. Sorry if I left an important character out, you may hit me with a large trout in IRC :D

Awed by the vastness of the Underdark:

A dwarven moot with Councilor Runehammer and Agent Lathain.

Founder Gimball invites the new dwarf into the Clan home of the Stouthearts for the first time, thankful to be among his kin.

Rollo had high hopes for the Stoutheart Clan and will worry about them for eternity. :D Have an ale (but only one) for Rollo!

Rollo was a great character. I had loads of fun as Helmut (follower of Abathor) plotted against Rollo for a week or so before he eventually got kicked out of the Stouts. Nothing really came of it, but I still had a good time.

You're going to make an Agent now, right? :wink:

In loving memory.

Roxbox Rollo.

Snorri will mourn for his thane but know that he went to a better place... I still remember the day that rollo offered Snorri to join the clan as it was a meeting by total chance. :P

(Female Paladin? not taliking about Linda are you?)

Great character. Sanctuary have now lost a important figure, we Stouthearts will miss him. Good luck on a next character, Gwydion!


:( I gonna miss Rollo.

Good stuff, my friend.

And lo, did the manufacturers of Rothe Pie mourn, for their businesses were sure to suffer greatly.

Rollo was really great to be around, Gwydion. He'll be missed.


I know how much time in RL and IG you sacraficed for the Stouts. You will be greatly missed.

Rollo was an awesome charctor, gonna misss him.

nice one! rollo was awesome!

I managed to build up a lot of IC hate for Rollo in all of 10 minutes after being introduced to him. Not sure if that was intentional, but nice going. ;)

Sorry to see old Rollo Go, good luck in the Future.

Rollo wasn't your stereotypical dwarf by any means, and was a lot of fun. It was good to see him rise to the top of the Stouts before he bowed out.

Well done! 8)

Welcome to the great beer hall in the sky Rollo. Just think now Thorigan and Rollo can keep eachother company for all time banging on about how the kin are doing and what madness will befall the city without them around to compalin about it over too much ale and more pipe weed than should be allowed. Someone get a something of his up on the clan hall walls. He deserves that much at least. So many times i nearly did another Dwarf after Thorigan kicked the bucket because of Rollo, but the few i started just didnt feel right mostly because i made them too young. Bless Rollo's hairless chin and all his earthly works. Good luck with the future mate and with luck you will be as well thought of as your next character as you where as the Thane.

Well done Gwydion, a top draw character... consistently well Rp'd

I appreciate the mention of Tarnis in there, despite the fact that he got Rollo into more trouble than most. Still, the character ressonated a warm heart. This was evident by the time he met another short lived character of mine named Zumbak of Stonemountain, who was a half-orc that thought he was a dwarf and wanted to join the Stouts.

Well played and he will be counted among few special characters who've passed through Sanctuary.