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Letter to Council

Marponeth 26, 151 Council Townhall Regard Recent Drow Attack

After reading through Councilor Matterheim's decision that the individuals who brought a drow assault force to Sanctuary to demand 20,000 gold coins; an assault that cost several lives when later some fool citizen decided to antagonize the drow further--that the individuals who drew the assault deserved metals of honor for their actions I am requesting the Council to award every Watchman at the gates todark to repel the resulting drow forces is also given a metal.

If the event the Council does not agree with this decision, I'd ask the Council to review the case. Our society has survived because we've avoided the wrath of the drow for 151 years. If we're to begin rewarding those who draw this wrath down on us, then we had best redouble our efforts for those who will die first in the inevitable assaults--my men and women on the walls.

Sheriff Fawkes