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Tower Shield Bug

One of my characters has a mithral tower shield. Its only listed "special" property is reduced weight. There are no penalties noted. He also has a healing longsword which receives a +1 heal bonus, no penalties are noted.

Some weird things have been happening, though, when I equip.

If I equip the shield only (no weapon), it only gives a +2 AC bonus (rather than tower shield standard bonus of +3.) If I then manually drag and drop my healing longsword to my right hand, it still remains +2. If, however, I put my mithral shield and healing longsword in a quickslot, and equip them both by using that quickslot, I only get a +1 AC bonus. If I use any other sword and equip using quickslots, I get a +2 bonus.

I've logged off and back on, and the problem persisted. I also tested this without wearing any other equipment.

Testing it on locally on my PC, there were no problems. I received a +3 AC shield bonus under all circumstances. It appears to be server-related.

One question this brought to mind is; does EfU use a script that negates the tumble bonus when using a tower shield? If so, that would explain only receiving a +2 bonus for this character using a tower shield. It might also explain the +1 bonus problem, if there's a bug in that script.

I will continue trying to reach a DM in-game to address the problem, as one was not available the number of times I attempted to reach one.

Yes, it's because you have tumble.

Yes, it's because you have tumble.

OK, that explains half of what I noticed. Therefore, a standard tower shield should only yield me a net +2 bonus. (It's also quite reasonable/realistic... I never really felt tower shields should allow a tumble AC bonus, and don't mind at all if it negates it so long as everyone is on that same playing field. Kudos for that script.)

What remains weird is that my Healing Blade (longsword) combined with my Mithral Shield in a quickslot will result in only a +1 bonus when equipping. However, if I manually equip these by drag-and-drop, it gives me the proper +2. Combining OTHER longswords with my shield in a quickslot DOESN'T produce this problem.

No biggie, I'll just use a different longsword.

(Oh... anyone want to buy a mithral shield? Going cheap... :wink: )

Sounds like this isn't really a bug.


I didn't notice the weapon equipping issue.

Can you check and see if you actually get a decreased bonus when using it with your shield, or if it's just a bug with the way it's reported?

Also, can you try with another sword that has a similar bonus, and see if the same problem occurs with that? Grab a DM and have them spawn one on you for testing, if you don't have one handy.

Any news?

Sorry! I missed your last question. But that character had since passed the shield on to the elven warband, and I never saw the problem repeated in any other character weapon/shield/armor combination.

Hopefully, it was an issue related soley to that shield. I've never seen another shield like it (mithral tower shield,) so I'm guessing it probably isn't a problem for people.


Alright, hopefully it was a one-time thing!

Thanks for following up.