2007-02-04 17:49:02 UTC
Friend Rollo,
The several issues I mentioned to be in need of discussing, would be:
- The rebuilding of the Blue Mushroom, when, how and estimates.
- Safety of the Mines, patrols and caravan routes.
- Stoutheart warehouse space in the Mushroom.
Firstly, we need to meet and discuss, as well as look around the ruins of the inn for you to estimate the rebuilding times and when the clan would be able to begin the repairs. As well as the cost of supplies used and such.
Secondly, the mines the Stouthearts have claimed are far too hazardous at current times for most people to travel through. Once the Inn has been repaired, we're to begin moving products between these tunnels between Sanctuary and the Inn. I'd like to see a Stoutheart outpost built where the former duergar headquarters lied. I will assist in the construction of such by all ways in my power.
Such outpost would provide not only protection, but from there it'd be easier for you to prospect the veins. Even if the duergars say all the iron has been mined out, I wouldn't find it impossible for some veins to be located from those tunnels.
Thirdly, the warehouse space I hear the clan's been seeking from the Mushroom. While this indeed sounds intresting to me, I'd like to first concentrate on the repairing of the building. On a later date, we may discuss more considering the warehouse space.
Treldor Krestorrin
2007-02-06 19:13:32 UTC
Good Treldor,
There has been an incomprehensible effort by wild creatures in the nearby Underdark area to occupy and inhabit our mines. We are not quite sure why so many things are passing past the West Gate unobserved, or the entrance near the Dark Lake.
However, entering they are, and the most powerful threat of these is the tribe of flinds that have decided to take them over.
We initially claimed the mines in hopes that there was still a significant vein of iron ore, or some other ore of value in the mines. It now seems that there may be no value to this area, and I have received a letter from the Spellguard that we will need to better police this area or lose our claim to this.
If you indeed plan on opening the Blue Mushroom, and need the Mines to remain clear and a safe pathway for trade and visitors from Sanctuary, we are going to be needing some support. This will need to come either in funds, or some future interest in your business operations for providing security for this important access path.
We are not a greedy Clan, but we are not going to shed our blood and provide yet another service for Sanctuary without recognition or recompensation for this. I look forward to working with you on this and creating a mutually profitable enterprise that benefits not only us, but Sanctuary as well.
Thane Rollo Stoneshield
Council of Elders
Stoutheart Clan
2007-02-09 19:06:50 UTC
We of the Clan would like to know if you still would be able to assist in any way the reinforcement or defense of the Mines near the West Gate if you still desire it to be kept safe.
If you do not require this way to the Dark Lake, we doubt whether it has any commercial worth and would suggest that the way be blocked off to curtail the flow of dangerous beasts vying for control of these caverns.
Thane Rollo Stoneshield
2007-02-10 18:54:58 UTC
Thane Rollo,
I will assist you in anyway I can. Let us meet and discuss in-person.
~Treldor Krestorrin