2006-01-28 19:26:38 UTC
One of my pet peeves, for a long time, has been the ability in NWN to max out your hp. It is possible, though, using certain script applications, to go in and modify the hp of a character server-side.
After some digging around, I found the following post, which contains two different solutions. Both of them actually max out a character's hp, though I am certain they could be modified to give 80% of max hp, or a true random with some effort. It appears that both of them have been used on live servers as well.
2006-01-29 06:49:22 UTC
Um.. I would suggest removing that link from here since it's pretty much an exploit of sorts..
2006-01-29 10:03:10 UTC
It's not an exploit, it's server-side. That means that the server can control how many hp you get on level-up. In turn, that means that you can eliminate people cheating by re-rolling hp until they get max.
2006-01-29 15:47:40 UTC
Ah.. I thought it was client side for server play.
2006-02-16 01:53:35 UTC
THe nature of pvp servers certainly includes more incentive for players to reroll hp. Particularly the poor frontliners, who have to deal with more danger and a higher deathrate.
I dont tend to play frontliners on any server that doesnt either fix hp or reroll them, if thiers pvp. It would be nice to see an 80% or so script put in.
Dr Breen
2006-02-16 04:19:03 UTC
I'm pretty sure that anyone who engages in pvp that has a nonoptimal setup will be either self compensated by potions or by dm items that when the time comes for pvp there is relative parity. Besides the dms have so much experience with pvp that im sure they would likely oversee most if not all of it to determine fairness.
2006-02-18 15:36:10 UTC
Actually, I think it was not letting HP fixing, and letting come common counterintuitive rorts, that lead fighter builds and PvP to become unbalanced on City of Arabel.
Virtually all frontliners there reaching high lvls had to either: minmax increadibly, reroll hp or become guards (with nice faction perks). The regular fighters struggled and frequently died horribly and repeatedly at lvls 5-9, despite thier best efforts.
Honest Rping fighters, who dont build with rogue lvls for tumble ac bonuses and spot/search, or reroll hp, or take a barbarian lvl for extra speed, are going to be at a severe disadvantage here. The HP issue is hardest on them, as it really gives significant advantage to the rerollers, and severe penalties to the unlucky.
2006-02-18 16:02:28 UTC
Actually, I think it was not letting HP fixing, and letting come common counterintuitive rorts, that lead fighter builds and PvP to become unbalanced on City of Arabel.Virtually all frontliners there reaching high lvls had to either: minmax increadibly, reroll hp or become guards (with nice faction perks). The regular fighters struggled and frequently died horribly and repeatedly at lvls 5-9, despite thier best efforts.
Honest Rping fighters, who dont build with rogue lvls for tumble ac bonuses and spot/search, or reroll hp, or take a barbarian lvl for extra speed, are going to be at a severe disadvantage here. The HP issue is hardest on them, as it really gives significant advantage to the rerollers, and severe penalties to the unlucky.
Playing a fighter who does'nt die has nothing to do with how much hp you have trust me.
2006-02-18 16:32:35 UTC
If this really would solve the HP issue, it'd be grand. The random HP of D&D just doesn't make any sense and can potentially scrap any character concept that includes being one tough-to-kill nuisance just by getting lousy rolls.
2006-02-18 18:02:06 UTC
NagaPlaying a fighter who does'nt die has nothing to do with how much hp you have trust me.
Nothing at all... Until the monster sneaks in a 20 and kills you in one hit, because you don't have enough HP to survive the critical hit.
2006-02-18 18:53:56 UTC
NagaPlaying a fighter who does'nt die has nothing to do with how much hp you have trust me.
Nothing at all... Until the monster sneaks in a 20 and kills you in one hit, because you don't have enough HP to survive the critical hit.
Are we talkng fighters as in a REAL fighter or a multiclass which is inherently weaker and deserves to die easier because of the extra bonus feats?
2006-02-18 19:57:22 UTC
Are we talkng fighters as in a REAL fighter or a multiclass which is inherently weaker and deserves to die easier because of the extra bonus feats?
My comment was specifically targeted towards multiclass fighters, but I expect low level fighters would have the same problem.
Then again, Levels 1-3 automatically maximize hit points, so... :?
2006-02-19 02:30:14 UTC
The dice are biased (i.e. the engine cheats) to level 10 anyway.
2006-03-04 09:44:20 UTC
I would love to see set HP on level up, across all levels. Very very much so. I agree with everything Jadelink said about HP and fighters. Since I tend to play nothing but warriors(never dinky ones with silly cross-classing), and it is exactly as Jadelink has explained it.
2006-03-13 13:02:42 UTC
Dumb Question (please forgive my ignorance)
when you say "reroll" what do you mean?
2006-03-13 13:39:52 UTC
This is, in fact, an older discussion and unfortunately we can't hide the hp gained on lvl up without a Hak. But if possible I too would like to see fixed hp.
Old Thread
2006-03-13 13:58:08 UTC
Giving over to randomness can be quite unfair to a barbarian that rolls a 1 (when he could have rolled a 12), when the mage rolls a 4 in the same day.
This might have been something of a fun aspect for PnP, but in the harsh unforgiving computer controlled enemy world of online gaming you're going to need to extra hitpoints.
Thats why although it's an unpopular option, i'd go for maxing everyone's hitpoints, but keeping everything else in hardcore mode.. but thats just my view, I cant speak for anyone else.
Theres enough randomness in weapon damage ranges, chances to hit, criticals and threats, spells etc.
2006-03-13 20:48:54 UTC
I'm not going to tell how people do it, but somepeople reroll their HP until they get maximums. I consider it an exploit of the system.
This doesn't mean getting different hp when you die, lose a level, and then get it back. That is fine.
2006-03-14 11:33:00 UTC
You're right they do because they can..
You either fix the hole or you just set everyone at max hitpoints and tune the server difficulty accordingly. (though keep in mind theres a lot of spells and effects that dont care about hitpoints when it comes to overcoming a player)
Being paralysed/charmed/feared (not under your control) for a while will kill you regardless of what sort of hitpoint total you happen to have.
Paha Poika
2006-03-14 13:14:52 UTC
Rerolling is cheating, and it can be seen. Do it, but it will be seen and then it will have consequences. Not every warrior is supposed to get uber max hp. Get bigger con if you want higher hp.
2006-03-14 18:00:51 UTC
You're right they do because they can..You either fix the hole or you just set everyone at max hitpoints and tune the server difficulty accordingly. (though keep in mind theres a lot of spells and effects that dont care about hitpoints when it comes to overcoming a player)
Being paralysed/charmed/feared (not under your control) for a while will kill you regardless of what sort of hitpoint total you happen to have.
Or, when we suspect someone, we check the logs to see if they are leveling up multiple times, and then decide on punishments from there.