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The Journal and Notes of Genevis Ward

[The following is merely background information, starting from age 7 to age 28]

Age 7 [the following seems very well composed for a seven year old]

Luka and I got caught again! My ear still hurts from where momma pulled it. Neesa got her rock back.

[dated a week later; the handwriting seems to have become drastically worse]

Luka is missing. He's been gone for three days now. His momma's been crying for three days too. Momma won't tell me where he is. She tells me to hush and pray. But she doesn't tell me where he is.

[no date]

They killed a man today. Momma took me out to watch. Luka's momma was there too. She was crying a lot. Momma just told me that he wasn't coming back. She says he's gone to the surface! Maybe he'll take me someday. I'll miss him.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [a few months pass without an entry]

I hate it I hate it I hate it! I don't want to learn physics! I want to build things and meet people! I wanna build halls a mile high and a mile long! My stupid teac [suddenly breaks]

[here, the handwriting changes drastically to a nice and flourid style]

Little boys who write impolite words in their books are punished with a rod so they do not forget the rules.

[changes back to original handwriting]

And careless, thieving teachers never keep what doesn't belong to them!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [following a few pages of no notable events, there are a few pages of sketches of creatures in the anatomical position; mostly humans. Various notes and arrows surround teh drawings. After the drawings, the journal picks again. Nothing of note occurs for a few years]

Age 19

I'm finally beginning to embrace my change, and my potential. No more for now, not until I understand it.

Well, I suppose I've officially come to embrace my studies. I read back to my younger days in the writing of this book- oh how I hated my lessons! Now, my work seems much more pleasurable, though some feelings seem to die hard. I also suppose that Neesa has affected my devotion to the craft. It was with her assistance alone that I passed Master Barrow's examinations. The bastard never liked me, even to his deathbed.

[days later]

Why is she doing this? Why won't she listen to me? If she goes below, she'll be at such a terrible risk! Why doesn't she just stay up here, where it's safe? Why won't she stay up here with me?

She says they need her. She says she'll make it better. Doesn't she realize that they don't even know that she exists! And there's no way for her to make a decent life among them! Any payment she might receive would just get stolen one way or another, and she'll be nothing but lost, worn, and miserable.

But up here - opportunity! Not only that, but the people can actually pay for their procedures and medications. I'll never worry about being robbed by my patients, or anyone else in fact.

Well then... so be it Neesa.

[the years between this entry and the last are filled with patient information and other various stories of little value]

**In-Game events begin** Age 28

The strangest things happened to me today. I'm not feeling well though. Too much alcohol, I need to watch that. Now I may be able to think, but I feel like the hells.


Too much alcohol indeed.

"The strangest things" seem to need clarification. I never imagined I would come in contact with the adventuring sort, at least not more than an occasional diseased, poisoned, or trauma patient... but I was wrong (which seems quite uncommon these days, mind you!). I was in the Town Hall, just minding my business when I saw a man - no, a halfblooded orc really - who was injured. I don't know why, but something inside me urged me to bother him, to give him treatment. I suppose it's what I've been taught. Noone will visit a man of physics if they don't know he exists.

So I bothered him, and gave him a quick examination. A simple laceration from gods-know what horror. I applied bandage and ointment and was finished. But his companion, a woman, she told me - no, she demanded that I follow her.

I would never have just followed such an insolent woman like that. Why did I? What on or under earth has come into me? But I did. She took me to the strangest place. I need not write about such a... horrendous excursion. The reason is two-fold. First, to protect the innocence of any young progeny. The second, is that I'm very much unsure of what I did. Such a fast-paced, dangerous thing, this adventure, should I call it.

But something... I don't know. In my years of study, not one day, not one hour, not one single breath has made me feel more alive or more passionate than those ten minutes, though they felt like hours! Perhaps it was the adrenaline, or the thirst in a man's soul for exploration. Or perhaps, it was something else, something undefinable...

I believe for the first time in my life, I understand these people. For a moment, I was one of them. But as quickly as it had occurred, it was over. They gave me a coinpurse for my troubles, then brisked off, still without a name.

I needed a drink. Here I met a man named Kayne, another adventurer. We talked ofthe city and his occupation, and some about the two others that had taken me on my soujourn into a new experience. He seemed a good fellow, and I followed him on an excursion of his own, serving as the physician of course. I stood back and waited mostly, watching,occasionally catching glimpses of the combat that ensued. The feeling was unaroused. It required more immediate danger I suppose. But that is what I recieved.

In one of these fights in the doorways, a great halfblooded orc charged at me, catching me by great surprise! I did what I could- I ran! The feeling was there as the chase ensued. Such a powerful feeling this is! A comrade caught the bastard and that was the end of my expedition.

I wish there was more to write... what now? A new door is opened...

A weary few days it has been, and bloody.

Not bloody in the sense that I have been working vigorously, with the wounded all around. No no, that would also imply that I have made profit.

Bloody in the sense that I have shed. Even in my line of work, I've never been terribly enthusiastic to see the liquid of life, but seeing my own is doubly agitating.

Adventurers... a strange breed indeed. They come from all callings, all backgrounds, and all faiths. I find it funny that the last of these traits seems not to sway the actions of the man, but the man sways the dogma to his, or her, actions. Cowardly Tyraens, bumbling Oghmans.

I do not scorn religion. To do so would be a blasphemy worthy of fools. I simply note of the rothe, not the herders. The herd of this world is speckled indeed.

On adventurers, I have found two radical extremes. On one hand, they can be elegant and benevolent to our fair city. On the other, terrible dislike, or worse, total apathy. I say this, for the ones that dislike our politics and our struggles, they at least have a care or concern for the populace, even if that may be a concerned contempt. The apathetics, these are the truly dangerous ones. They have no hand in our existence, only in their own. Fools that cannot understand that in saying "our existence", it must be implied that they are part of our society, whether they like it or not.

Of course, the benevolent make the work of a physician hard. I swear, if I walked down the road to the gate with so much as a fungus-paper cut, three of them would literally block me and wrap a bandage without so much as a greeting. It makes life terribly hard for those trying to make a living at this.

I had a wonderful idea, but I'm afraid I shan't receive much support for my project. A free clinic for the populace above! The bleeders and ill-struck that roam our streets would have a place to be treated without needing large sums of money, and without religious ties. I have heard of a certain Ilmateri clergyman who is trying to build a congregation, his name is whispered in the streets... but what about those who wish only healing, not indoctrination. The clinic could support everyone. I believe the Ilmateris may be a great support for this project.

A great deal of fortunate things have occurred over the past day. Foremost, Sanctuary has likely been saved from a second attack by the minotaurs. I fear peace between the tribes and the city will never be possible now.

A benevolent and tongueless minotaur came to us to warn us of the impending danger. He had us swear to kill only the leader. Our group attempted to knock out the minotaurs, but I fear our warriors were a bit too heavy with the swings. In total, about fifteen were slain.

As we returned to the city, I had prepared a great many things to tell the minotaur to soothe him. I was determined to prevent further bloodshed... but a Tormite fool ran his mouth too quickly, destroying my hope to calm the beast. We put the poor minotaur to rest as he layed waste to our gate.

The party did not realize the danger this man caused. They were tied firmyl to their belief that by slaying the minotaur, they of course saved the city yet again. Fools. The kindly mute was the only soul in the situation with unbloodied hands. Now he lays dead at our gate. May the gods bless his spirit, and forgive my companions of their foolishness. And may the gods bless Sanctuary, should the minotaurs rally.

Election campaigning has begun. I walked out this morning to find an old travelling companion boasting about their candidate. His logic was a little twisted, and he had some ratehr strange ideas, but I was busy and continued on. Poor Hedge, just doing what he's told I suppose.

I had intended to go on with my day... but as fate would have it, I found myself listening to the candidate speak, a man named Ivandur. Poor fool, thinks he can change our whole political system it seems; wants to totally remodel our city's internal structure. A foolish idealist, and a radical at that. Nonetheless, he seems to have a good many friends, and he's an intimidating man as is, standing in his dark hued armor before the crowd with his weapon at his side.

It's simply impossible of course. The Spellgaurd and th Watch have always been and will always be seperate. The Tigereyes won't ever be friendly with the Watch, and the Watch won't ever be friendly with them. Both groups seem perfectly happy to despise each other, and I cannot see why this radical would want to change the very personalities of our society. Peculiar indeed.

Oh, I did sting the man a good deal. It was strange how my words simply fell from my mouth, pointing out logical fallacies one after another... and his followers in the crowd were worse. I swear, they were answering rhetorical questions, I kid you not!

The adventuring population seems to have a problem with Sanctuary for being what it is. This is like being mad at a rock for lying still, and truly is a nonsensical belief. Poor misguided fools.

Life has an interesting way of working out. Sometimes I think the gods have had my journey set from the start, as if I had some divine purpose. It's strange, because I also lack strong ties to all. They do their thing, and I do mine. They heal the people with their divinity, I heal the people with my skill and wit.

Alas, the twist in my life. I am running for the council! A dream at last, a dream at last! Thirty years earlier than planned, but a dream nonetheless! What a campaign I will run, what speeches I can give!

Life was rather quiet for a good week or so when suddenly- WAM. My friends urged me on, even raised a great deal of money for the entrance fee! Now, here I am!

This other candidate, Ivandur... he's a rather irrational thinker. I can see how he wants to do well for the city, but his plans and means are all wrong. Half his goals are impossible and the other half are simply foolish.


A day later, and his dogs are already upon me. The tear at my flesh publicly, taunting me with the propoganda of zealots. I attempted to befriend them, even healed a woman's cut, but both ladies merely dismissed my words. He truly has clouded their vision. They follow blindly like pack rothe, the poor women. I urged them to review the words of their comrade, so that they may see the illogic behind his words and promises. Ahh, well. If this is how he wants to play, let us dance.

I have made a good number of new friends today, and a few good enemies.

Ivandur denied the ladies. I don't really believe him, but he may be telling the truth. Nonetheless, we agreed to lower the hostilities. So far, he's been... fairly cooperative. Hopefully, he'll do better. But New comings make me think that this is naught more than a lie.

We debated again today. Ivandur did better, he must have practiced very hard.

I have found some very... interesting things out about the man also. I am having some trouble deciphering the exact truth, but I will know shortly. I really must find Kayne soon, he can certainly find me the answer.

One of the many new friends I made was Julian. He is running for the contested seat as well, it would seem. He seems a decent man, but I have yet to really speak with him yet. He was attacked at his announcement ceremony, and I killed the wretched zombie that attacked. We spoke, but only shortly, as he had guests to attend to.

Also, I've gotten to know a great warrior named Artorious. We fought a long, difficult battle together. He brings great honor to his patron, Tempus, Lord of Battle. He fell into a bad way in the hands of some notorious men, but I have a feeling his revenge will earn more than the gold they stole. We'll just have to see.

The final man I really got to know was Krian. He is an... odd man, due to the fact that he seems so very normal. He reminds me of myself some dozen years ago... timid, bashful, lacking confidence. I have high hopes for the young man, but he seems to think he's rather incapable. I think that I can show that he is wrong.

I gave my speech tonight, and it was quite good if I do say so myself. Unfortunately, not as many people as I would have liked attended, but a fair amount of the citizenry and my best friend Ivandur were there. With posse, of course.

We debated a long time. He's tough as nails, even in the face of agreeing against himself. He's got resolve, I'll give him credit for that. But he's still just plain wrong and he's still a radical dreamer. He'll do nothing but harm.

I really wish I could speak with Albert... it has been a few days now. We must talk.

The past week has been, shall I say, tumultuous. The Comely is gone, every soul within obliterated by some flaming bohemoth. Many of my friends helped to extinguish the flames, and told me of the horror.

Also, a savage battle ensued in the Crone just two days ago now. I can't understand who started it, or where the fault lies, but the proprieter and the stout Bocho now lie dead.

I've also come into possession of a rather peculiar book. I fear this book, honestly. The worn tome contains a terrible secret I can only pray is not true, for all of Sanctuary. I hope the Oghmans can help me, but I cannot seem to get a hold of one. I shall approach the councilwoman soon, as she will likely lead me to a resolution to the validity of the text.

My investigations are nearly complete, though my lack of tangible evidence is terribly agitating... but I do have many things correct, and that is all the start I need.

The elections have begun. I cannot lie and say that I am not nervous. My premiere election, my first venture into the world of the politician! It's exciting, but I still remain confident in my values, and in myself. I must be, for the last few weeks and all the troubles... I've had to wash away my doubts and fears. They get me nowhere.

Ivandur... he is supporting me. I can't fully explain it, but much of his support comes from his flaming hatred for this Mandarin character. Strangely, I sympathize on the matter... I don't know Mandarin, but from all sources I hope I never will. His ability to persuade and manuever is truly incredible, and his schemes show it well!

Courage. I had been lax with the flow of this emotion in my previous life, but now it seems to be the substance with which I must survive. I've never had more reason to fear for my life, yet I must brush aside these tragedies which endanger it, and for sanity's sake it would seem.

Well... wish me luck in the election dear reader, and peace to whatever outcome I my find myself arriving to.

Busy busy. What a dreadful term and what a dreadful way to live. But I am always in forward motion.

There is a halfling, Frudoc, who has opened a clinic just like the one I imagined. It seems a fine layout, though there were a few minor details of creation that will need to be attended to. I will help him I suppose, though his choice of location is quite poor, and he hasn't ful-- well, let me just be optimistic. Things will work out in the end, and I'll see to it if I can.

I woke up this morning feeling terribly ill. I will have to cancel my excursion and recover. Goodness, my patients will be backed up a good deal of time now...

I have recovered near fully now, and life goes on. But now it is the life of a councilor. Sadly, Mandarin beat me in the election, but it seems some ill fate has befallen him and I have taken his place.

The first thing that greeted my ears as I rose from my bed was my name being called for a trial. Ivandur. Drow. I grew lightheaded quickly- such a nightmare flashed through my waking brain! The reality, I have found, is much better and much worse than what I had originally encountered. Damned dark skinned wretches came to our very door. Ivandur spoke with them, a very foolish thing to do, but I think he had little other option. There was no warning, we had no clue this was coming.

Traensyr threatens war. We have something they want. Finger bones, ingested by escaped slaves. We will find them, and return the bones. I have every confidence in our guards, but I want to be confident in living guardsmen, not dead ones. This war must be averted. This is the second time war has come to us. The first time, I was succesful in thwarting it. Now, I... cannot tell.

The citizenry seems somewhat split. The majority do not want war, I believe, but the warmongerers are a very vocal crowd.

The war was brought to us last eve. And on the Twentieth of Nightal, the drow were forced from our gates. Civil war broke among them and we yet live... Sanctuary has persevered.

I on the other hand am worn and more than little ill from drinking off my shakes... I was seriously considering diplomacy with the wretched dark elves. In turn I recieved two arrows to the chest and Mylin, acting as my shieldmaiden was the only reason I did not die there on the battlements.

But life goes on. There's been much quarreling about the reasons for the civil war already. Ivandur didn't miss a beat, leaping onto the Spellguard. But Barkely's comments and the paper... I don't know what to think. I know what I saw. We'll see if it holds relevance or not in time.

Until that time I'll busy myself with economics. The Commonwealth has been created and we're now beginning our work. I was a bit displeased with the amount of participation, but I did not pick a very good time. Immediately after we'd adjourned our meeting the drow struck- far sooner than anyone had anticipated.

I'm still tired. I'll sleep some more, I think it's deserved.

Notes for the Commonwealth, 24th of Nightal. Expedition to the Blue Mushroom.

- Svifneblin mentioned an old drow captain, brought in a supply of fine wines until his trading was disabled. No further inquiry.

-Merchant name, Perudoc Samwir. Light magical equipment and adventuring gear. May have some contacts.

-Blue Mushroom Bartender/Owner(?) Drerirry Wedriser, can give contact information.

The gnomes seem to be faring as usual, unaffected by our slight depression over the past two weeks. Perhaps we can supplement each other even further.