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Letter to the Council {and DM Council Members]

I have some of the personal belongings of Coucnilor Fryar.

There are some court documents, and some of his badges of honour.

I will surrender the court documents and his badge of office when you send a representative of the Council.

As for his other belongings, I ask for your advice. I have his helm, his halbred as well as other personal belongings.

My heart has been torn by this loss. I would think a memorial statue of Julian using his helm, halbred, and amulet would bolster the hearts of our city. Many will be sad to look upon it, but it will be a reminder that there are some things worth dying for.

Please consider my suggestion. And I await a representative of your office to come and collect the items that belong to the council.

I will be at the Beacon.

Ferdinand Fenwick

Dear Fenwick

I will come to collect his things soon and i beleive it is only right to errect a statue in his honour, we need heroes and he led a charge against the lizard scum.

Councilor Runehammer