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Bo's Death (I did it for the lulz)

The single stupidest death ever done on the best night of my life! 100xp away from finally reaching level 8...

Go Team Laugh! Bo was cool :)

Seems dragons are developing a taste for hin lately. First Rig, then Bo!

He's gonna be eating orc soon.

Thomas_Not_very_wise He's gonna be eating orc soon.

Someone will.

My three favorite Bo moments---

Best Bo Moment-- Bo riding on Jared's shoulders, and smacking him on the head, "Faster horsey! FASTER!"

Later that same dark-- Bo gets drunk and sings and dances on a table. Plenty of Dex checks-- and she made them all! Kept the song on key, as well! All the stouts were impressed! Then she sacks out after drinking seven bottles of victory beer. Iria carries her to bed and tucks her in-- with Bo still murmering songs about dwarves and hammers and anvils falling on trolls.

Second Best--

Iria and Aram were standing by the Town Hall, and they see a male hin in the cage, with a horrible sickness. The hin is realeased by the watch, and then the male hin accuses Bo of posioning him, and Bo denies it. The hin says, "You gave me drinks, and I drink it, and now I am sick!" Bo replies, "I didn't posion you! But I gives you some milks and make it all better!"

Iria wispers to Aram-- "Is this some kind of strange hin mating ritual? The female posions the male, then gives him her milks?"

Bo overhears the comment, turns bright red, as Aram falls over laughing. "He is NOT my boyfriend!"

The male hin blushes and runs away.

Third best moment-- and personal favorite--

Bo is tired from all her escapades, and sleeps in the common room of the Rock Bottom on the big pile of pillows. Beanie Beau Beanie sneeks up and uses a bit of charcoal to draw spectacles and a mustache on Bo. For the rest of the dark.... Bo can't understand why everyone laughs when they see her....

Was a great character-- and you always got me smiling whenever I would see Bo online.

Cheers, mate! ^_^
