Shortly after the attack, the Mayor delivered a speech to large numbers of survivors in the Town Hall.
People of Sanctuary!We have suffered a grievous attack. I'm afraid the situation is very grave. A majority of our armed defenders in the Watch have been slain. Including, among many other brave citizens, Sheriff Ronus Graidan. Our main Upper gates were totally obliterated. The Rock Bottom was torched and destroyed, and even sections of the Town Hall suffered exterior damage. Thankfully, through the use of the Spellguard Animatrons - impervious to the lizardfolk wasting spells - we were able to route the lizardfolk and drive them out. We remain vulnerable to further attack, and have been greatly weakened, but we live still.
The Seekers have established a refugee camp in their Hall, anyone who needs rest or shelter have been invited to make use of the facilities there.
You may be assured that the Council will soon begin taking steps to renew our defenses and address our many urgent problems.
This is a time in which we must all depend on each other if this settlement is to survive.
I encourage all of you to volunteer to help keep each other safe, and to help rebuild Sanctuary into a stronger and more secure settlement.
Let it be known, the lizardfolk did not come here simply to raid.
They came here to DESTROY!
They failed, and they will face the consequences of their failure. We stand strong still, and we will -raze their city to the ground!-
Citizens of Sanctuary, now - above all other times - is a time for the heroes to distinguish themselves. I ask, for the sake of all of us, that you do.
This town needs you.