Afraid this is the only screen shot I took from the event, I hope others took more. If anyone wondered where all elves were when the city was destroyed, we were out drinking and dancing. :D
Amoth's funeral (please add if you can)
Haha, I love Howland's shout at the bottom there, the perfect time for a funeral >_>
We were having ourselves a regular little party. After the mourning fo course. I took a BUNCH of screen shots in memory of Amoth--
Then the server crashed on us. >_<
No more drinking and merry making for us.
But I think this was one of the highlights:
I got other shots of people talking that were neat, but pointless to put up here, considering you have the logs. hehe. Enjoy...
Oh yeah-
The items mentioned are these:
I would like to thank DM sherry for making our little artifact glow during the service :D
We all failed reflex though, as there are no pictures of it glitering...
I pictured it all with full pictures (lack the long coversation though like you did, but have the "bubbles" above them) will post it today or tomorrow.
I hope mornington_crescent is looking at this :)
alogen We all failed reflex though, as there are no pictures of it glitering...I pictured it all with full pictures (lack the long coversation though like you did, but have the "bubbles" above them) will post it today or tomorrow.
I hope mornington_crescent is looking at this :)
I thought I had gotten a shot of it glowing, but I was off by a mere fraction of a second. >_< Too bad too, because that was a wonderful thing. *checks her screenshots again* Nope, didn't catch it.
Screenshots! I knew I'd forgotten to do something during the funeral. :(
Amothiewien was one of the more interesting and tantalizing characters I've had the chance to interact with on EfU. I'm sorry to see her go, but I'm also awed and impressed by all that she managed to accomplish.
Kudos, Mornington_Crescent!
Good to see the funeral went ahead and y'all enjoyed it!