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Shortcut between the bazaar and the town/Rock Bottom square

The passageway between the square and the bazaar could perhaps have an in character sign erected, to indicate its location. Only just realised today that it was there, since for all intents and purposes it appears like someone's house. Of course, I /am/ assuming in this case that the characters are not actually taking a shortcut through someone's kitchen and bedroom.

I disagree. The rambling alleyways and many secrets of this ancient, Svirfneblin metropolis are part of its inherent charm.

I assume that it is not a common thoroughfare, but rather, a passage through an abandoned residence.

SideKick I disagree. The rambling alleyways and many secrets of this ancient, Svirfneblin metropolis are part of its inherent charm.

I assume that it is not a common thoroughfare, but rather, a passage through an abandoned residence.

Considering its fairly straight through design, it feels more of a covered passageway than a walk through an abandoned house. And in an out of character perspective, it's being limited in its purpose (i.e. shortcut) as it is.

I like that you have to know about it. Everyone learns in time, like you just did, and it feels like a little bonus when you do. There are a number of area shortcuts like this, keep your eyes open.

It's one of the reasons EFU keeps surprising me. There's always more than meets the eye, even though you thought you'd seen it all. Just yesterday I heard (OOCly) of a hidden store somewhere, while I passed the exact spot almost ten times a day.

You'll never know everything there is. And I love EFU for it. Keeps the mystery going.