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Private Nymm, Watch House


By now I am sure you are hearing some things about me and my beliefs that may have you worried. I want you to know that despite what I have said, I still consider you a close friend and an important person within the watch. The watch would do better to have more people like you. Let me know if you are willing to work with me for change. We could be great allies in something larger then either of us.

Foster Freedom, -Seeker Emanuel Lucas

Seeker Lucas,

I do admit trepedations at even responding to your letter, you have painted with a broad brush in your public writings, and quite rightly, they have been called treasonous. I do, however think I may know somewhat the man behind the brush, and would hear more of what you have to say in private. My patrol schedule will see me in the city quite alot over the next few days, feel free to seek me out.


Private Nymm Melve'lend