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Hariani's Magnificent Mercantile Services!


Hariani's Magnificent Mercantile Services!


20 golden coins

Hariani guarantees his identification services will meet with the utmost success. Bring any strange and foreign item to him, and if he cannot tell you its functions, uses, magical properties, and approximate value, he will pay you the 20 gold identification fee!


Variable pricing, based on menu

Need an event catered? Look no further! Give Hariani your budget and desired menu, and he will put together an evening of delights! Good for mornings and afternoons, as well. Or anytime! It's not like we can tell down here, anyway.

Reselling on Commission

10% of sale price

Hariani will take items you do not wish to drag around and sell them for you! You may set the price of sale you require, the amount you wish to receive for it, or any other requirement for the sale of your item, and if it cannot be met it will be returned to you in exactly the same condition it was given. Commission by Hariani is only ten percent of the final sale price of the item!

Goods for Sale

Helm of Concentration - This helmet magically defends the wearer against all distractions! Good for magic users, builders, growers, the obsessive compulsive and the fanatically precise!

40 gold

Svirfneblin Crumbler - This ancient svirfneblin helmet is a relic of Dunwarren's past! It carries a powerful enchantment able to crumble errant animatrons to dust!

50 gold

Warded Helm - A well-built and sturdy helmet, which protects against demons and devils! I mean, really! Who wants to be eaten by demons and devils?

100 gold

Sturdy Little Hammer - A small hammer that packs an incredible whallop! Not only does it have a weight not found in most hammers, this hammer is quite well suited to the work of engineers of all kinds!

100 gold

Defensive Spear - This spear is very sharp, and also helps you to defend yourself! A double whammy!

100 gold

Ghoulish Gloves - Each of these four gloves carries the power of death, and with a touch will give a foul taste of the grave to any would-be assailant or villain! For those with an understanding of wizardly spells, the effect can be compared to the spell "Ghoul's Touch." The gloves are also quite stylish, a creepy sort of mottled green!

30 gold for one glove, 50 gold for a full pair, 90 gold for all four!

Stinkweed Fungus - The finest stinkweed fungus in Sanctuary! Guaranteed for a fine smoke.

Only 6 gold for a healthy pinch, plenty to fill a pipe.

Also, ask about varieties of fine wines available for sale!

Address all inquiries to Hariani Mirfeil, care of the Pissing Crone Inn!

More services and goods to come!

The reviews are pouring in! See what the people are saying!

"[Hariani is] the nicest merchant I've ever seen in this town, don'tcha know?"

    - Alfred Wistim

"Kathazar would never kill a man so honored as Hariani!"

    - Kathazar of the Blade Tribe

"[Hariani's stinkweed] is very good, the best I've found down here."

    - Orwell Excelion