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*posted in Lower* Advocate


To all citizens. If you are in need of legal advice or representation, come to me. If you have need of someone to talk to the Watch in your stead, come to me. If you feel that you have been wronged in some way, and just need someone to talk with, come to me.

All converstations with me will be held in confidence. All matters to be brought before authorities will be handled with utmost care.

I am Ferdinand Fenwick.

I am a student of the Law. and will hear all requests put to me.

I am a simple healer, and I will listen to any words you have to say.

If you are in need, seek me out. I will be at the Beacon.

Although I do take donations, I do not ask for coin for my services. The poor should have an opportunity to know the law as well as the richest man.

Healing and advice are offered free of charge.

*new posters are made and cover the old ones*

*new posters are made and cover the old ones*