Thats a big spider!
Big Spider!
Crikey! That's a huge buggah! In it's nat'ral habitat too! Oooh, it looks hungry as well. Might wanna prepare yaself to run!
Apologies to Steve Irwin.
We knew we were in trouble when we found five or six stone lizards trapped in its webs.
Dont worry, its dead, i pwnz0r3d! it wif mah +13 Gr3ataxe of Doomz0r! 8)
Hey guys... You sure you want to do this?
Efu_Darkness2Thats a big spider!
Isn't it just "falling down", so that it looks bigger on your screen, magnified by 10 times? Or is there some scripting involved here, because I have never seen a Spider that big in the tileset.
Isn't that just the Bebilith model? I think it is.
And then Dreagle got naked with it.
FiveFeet Isn't that just the Bebilith model? I think it is.
I dont think so, unless its the backside...then maybe, but I still dont think so. I think they are hunched more.
It's an Underdark Behemoth Spider.
Fear them.
Five -Deep- Lizards caught in its web.
An Underdark Behemoth Spider ate my baby!
Nice, it looks rather cool. But is it standard Tileset material?
Iv seen those spiders on other servers before... so there is no trick camera-ing :P
Well, I would love to see that Spider in action...
...What am I saying? :shock: I'd hate to see it in action!
[Runs to a safe place and hides]