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Good Bye Kale

Kale finally bit the dust, caught between Bhaal and Fawkes he was demasked and then run through from behind.

A shame!

The end of an era.

And in the words of Adelia Tyrell, "The Councillor just got stoned."

unfortunatly you guys never saw what happend next ill try to put the screenies of that up asap

You neglected to mention the critical hit Kale nearly scored on you... had he got it Fawkes would be dead too.... :)

Ill see you at the gates of hell!!! PRAISE TO BHAAL!!

Good stuff :-)

Mikhail The Heretic You neglected to mention the critical hit Kale nearly scored on you... had he got it Fawkes would be dead too.... :)

Who'd think a guy chained up and shackled could draw a six foot long sword?

Well you did attack him first and missed i would like to think that the first blow he blocked with his shackles breaking them then drew his weapon to defend himself.

The morale of the story is...shackles are good....against spellcasters

And now the rest of the story. After being eventually killed by Fawkes and two other watchmen Kale found himself on the fugue plain but he wasent alone. Also of note is part of the attack log in the corner that shows how close Kale came to killing Fawkes

Okay it wasent Bhaal but hey nobodys perfect and the Balor had an offer of his own to make.

Before Kale would go though he needed to know one more thing

Pleased with the offer Kale then made a deal with the devil

So now Kale is spending some quality time on the plains of blood eagerly awaiting the day Fawkes dies so that he can make good the promise he made to him.

Err...he sold his soul for a copper coin?

Poor bastard, Fawkes is neutral. He's not even going to hell.

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in in dark times, retrain their neutrality.

At least the heat won't be so bad with all the druids casting "create water"

Nero24200 The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in in dark times, retrain their neutrality.

At least the heat won't be so bad with all the druids casting "create water"

Retrain it to do what? :wink:

To stay neutral, of course! Nothing cements a previously learned behavior like more conditioning! :wink:

We have blood in the Fugue Plane?

Astral blood!

The big downside to all that happened was that Nupraptor's plan never came to its crazed end. The whole bounty on Fawkes was part of a far vaster and ultimatly failed plan to divert his attention from Kale and Nupraptor by handing him the people that had answered the notices offering to off our most hated or loved watchman depending on your view point. Still the shortest trial i have ever seen for Nupraptor was rather fun.. Not to mention his slip into utter madness that all the events of that night propted. Actually thinking Kale worked for him... He had to be nuts.

I now wish i had thought to take screenshots of the trial and of the demon coming for Nupraptor as well but still the deal was the same as Kales in the end so nothing got lost.

Balors are Tanar'ri. Chaotic Evil. It should be the LE Baatezu offering contracts instead of just stealing the soul from the Fugue Plane >_>

Well, you'd better whip up a hak with archdevil models that we can implement on EfU, then.

Marfdasko Well, you'd better whip up a hak with archdevil models that we can implement on EfU, then.

Some said whip??

Pit Fiend.

It's not terribly important. I didn't see it say "I am a chaotic evil balor, not a lawful evil pit fiend, foolish mortal." For all Kale probably knew, it was a funny looking devil.

It was kinda funny looking what with its flaming wings and skull helm... almost like an crazy mix of the Fallen Kale in his prime and a Balrog.