2007-01-23 02:43:42 UTC
I was wondering about a player's in game journal being an actual item IG.
My IG journal contains the facts that I need to navigate the Underdark, remember people I've met, remember where items are for sale, etc. Facts that wouldn't appear in my forum journal since they are spoilers.
What do people think about the IG journal being a physical item that others can retrieve from your PC if they loot your corpse or rob you?
I would implement it by carrying a scribed note that tells the other person how to contact you IRL (eg. on the forums). And then you can export your char and send them the most recent IG journal file. Also, of course, not everyone would be required to do this, but it could make for some interesting RP for those who partake. I could imagine robbing or killing someone just to get my hands on their journal.
The benefit is obvious. Their char then knows all the stuff that you saw fit to record, but that wouldn't have made it into your forum journal because of spoiler restrictions. If you recorded how to escape the underdark, then they now have your notes to follow.
2007-01-23 03:26:52 UTC
The IC journal forum takes care of most of this already. If you think it's necessary to carry around a journal object on your character, and have something coorispond on the forums, just give us a heads up, it's not too hard to do.
2007-01-23 04:17:14 UTC
Or just send a tell to the murderer saying 'feel free to have your char now know everything in my journal on the forums. BTW, this map was in it, and this list - I'll PM them to you.'
2007-01-23 22:41:04 UTC
Or just send a tell to the murderer saying 'feel free to have your char now know everything in my journal on the forums. BTW, this map was in it, and this list - I'll PM them to you.'
Yeah, not a bad idea, however, I prefer the note because I might not get murdered. This way if somehow I die, say out in the Underdark, and someone else finds my pack, then they can still benefit from finding my journal.
Also in making this post I'm trying to encourage others to do such a thing for me to find. :D and also seeing what other players think.
Finally, a distinction between the IG one and the forum one is that I don't roleplay in my IG journal. (Do most people?) It might say something like:
How to get to the secret treasure cave:
go 3 screens South on the map
pick the locked gate (DC= 34)
sneak past the monsters (dire rats and beetles)
Very useful for the player, but passing around info like this (by finding a journal) might be considered metagaming...?
2007-01-23 22:59:11 UTC
If you have to carry around something that would count as your journal, why not get a scribed note with that in mind? Something like, 'This is the Journal of Random Adventurer //PM ~~~ on in order to find out the contents'
2007-01-24 00:51:56 UTC
I put info in my IG journal but it was gone at the next reset. Same with my map pins. Have you managed to make yours stick?
2007-01-24 09:51:08 UTC
I put info in my IG journal but it was gone at the next reset.
That shouldn't really happen, the notes section of the journal is a local file. And map pins don't persist over resets.
2007-01-24 16:55:04 UTC
If you play on two different computers though, each computer will have a unique IG notes section in your journal, so that might be why your journal disappeared.