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Posted at the Pissing Crone

Adventurers needed!

I, Isaac Winters, once more require aid to another expedition on the fourth of Marpenoth to further his research on the entities known as 'Mage Eaters.' Unlike previous expeditions, this one will be aimed into the Sewers to attempt to find related warding svirfneblin machinery.

Pay will vary from 50 to more coins.

Dangers to be expected:

Rats Slimes Chosens Animatrons Drows*

*However, hostilities should not be attempted towards them, I do not wish to waste resources on such.

Special offer! Potions and wands at near BC!

Potions of invisibility available for 75 coins for those coming on the expedition**

Wands of Invisibility available for 1200 coins for those coming on the expedition!***

Order them ahead of time to make sure to have some!

**Discount applicable to other potions, adjusted with the spell circle. ***Discount applicable to other wands, adjusted with the spell circle.

Leave a note to Isaac Winters at the Pissing Crone if you wish to partake in this expedition.

((This will happen on Wednesday at 7h30 PM EST. If interested, PM me please.))

Isaac is seen making sure the poster is not hidden behind other posters