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Eugene's End.

Not everything worked out the way Eugene had hoped it would, however, in the end, he did finally get what he had always wanted.








Can you guess what it was?





A big thanks to... Alstromeria, Hypervision, Aekula, Terry, Gandalf419, CoT_Heft, Secutor, Rimmeke, Nightfire, ascottbay, Indevotion, DeputyCool, Cullen H, Monkey_Magics, Pup, Starry Ice, and anyone else who I may have forgotten that played a large role in shaping Eugene's story.

Ha, you got beat by a giant disembodied brain. Guess Mystra lacks what Ghaunadaur's got!

Wiggy's a GOAT?

I can't help it-- I must say it; Look at the corner of the box beside the text box thing-- it says 'Dyl'Ayna has left as a player-- I was just logging off as this was happening. Sorry, stupid fact. ^_^

Hehe, that's so cheesy, but definitely awesome! I'll miss Eugene and his pouty, puffy lips. :cry:

My word...this is somthing so big....wiggy's a goat? I never saw that one comming

Gods, people. He's obviously a Druid in Badger form.

Er...Thats a Deer.

Wiggy is a stag.

That's nothing but manly!

So the squids are working for a goat?

Nice screenie btw


Eugene was so epic. So fashion-forward. He'll be missed.