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assorted notes of Calor Ste'fer

/* this first entry is his IG description ie. what you would see if you "examined" him */

A tall, thin male elf that might be considered lanky if he did not move so gracefully. He has light gray eyes that contrast his chestnut-colored, eccentrically-styled hair. [He looks more like his model than his portrait.] He is not particularly handsome for an elf.

He walks quickly and purposefully, but often slouches when sitting. He frequently fidgets with pouches on his belt, arrows in his quiver, or whatever he is holding.

He speaks with some intellect. His enthusiasm waxes and wanes mysteriously although there seems to be some correlation to the number of monsters he has recently felled with his bow.

*written in elegant script* *written on the margins of a page in Thomas...Adventuring guide*

I spoke with Presea today about that which I seek. She told me that the only one in Sanctuary that may know the art may be dead. How could this be?

I returned to Spellguard to gain more insight to the arcane, but they ignored my calls for the 5th time. Must be busy protecting the city...

I want to leave this place more than ever before: the duergar absconded with half the town's gold; Drow infest the sewers and walk the streets; Lizardmen spread plague and disease as they prepare for retribution... How I long to look upon the moon once more, to feel a fresh summer breeze on my face. Of course, to escape one must find an escape route. This is the task that lies ahead.