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The Eleint Accord

By majority vote in both the Council and Lower Council, the Eleint Accord has been adopted as the terms of reunification between Upper and Lower Sanctuary.

The Eleint Accord


This Accord recognizes that a unified Sanctuary has a unified government, hereafter referred to as the elected Council.

Future changes or revisions to the terms of this Accord may be proposed by registered Citizens. Such proposals may be submitted to the Office of the Herald and will be presented to the elected Council for consideration and vote no later than one tendark after the proposal is submitted to the Office of the Herald.


The Free People of Sanctuary live in both Upper and Lower Sanctuary. All citizens are granted the right to vote. However, the Free People of Lower Sanctuary have consistently shown a lower turnout than their brethren in Upper Sanctuary. This has lead to the possible under-representation on Council of a portion of Sanctuary’s population. To remedy this, this Accord shall set forth the following:

    1) The establishment of a voting booth in Lower Sanctuary, open to all registered Citizens.

    2) The process of voting in Lower shall, in all respects, mirror that in Upper.

      i. None shall be permitted to interfere with the voting process. This shall be ensured by the supervision of a town official, duly appointed by the Office of the Herald.

      ii. When the voting booth opens, none shall be permitted to influence votes. This shall be ensured by the supervision of a Watchman, duly appointed to this task by the Office of the Herald and the Lieutenant of Lower.


In that this Accord recognizes the twin rulings of the elected Council of Sanctuary and the Lower Council, this Accord shall set forth the following:

    1) Slaver and monstrous races shall continue to be unwelcome in Sanctuary as a whole. This shall be enforced by the Watch.

    2) Any person who falls within this ban, yet wishes to be granted guest status may appeal to the elected Council. Any citizen of Sanctuary whose employees fall within this ban may likewise appeal to the elected Council as his employees’ sponsor. Sponsors shall be held in joint responsibility in the event that guest status is abused.

    3) Any changes to the ban on slaver and monstrous races shall be made at the discretion of the elected Council.


This Accord recognizes that a unified Sanctuary shall have a unified code of law. This code of law may be changed, from time to time, at the discretion of the elected Council in concert with the contributions of the Free People of Sanctuary. This Accord would see this process continue unfettered.

This Accord also recognizes the difficult history of law enforcement in Sanctuary. Separate patrols for Upper and Lower Sanctuary have, for over 50 years, raised serious questions of jurisdiction while allowing wrong-doers to escape both patrols, to the detriment of the Free People of Sanctuary. This is unacceptable. To that end, this Accord shall see a unified system of patrolling and policing Sanctuary – a unified Watch. In that this Accord recognizes the rift between the Free People of Lower Sanctuary and the Watch, this Accord shall set forth the following:

    1) The establishment of the Watch in Lower:

      i. A Lower Watch House shall be designated and brought into proper working condition. The Lower Watch House shall, in all regards, mirror the functioning of the Watch House in Upper Sanctuary.

      ii. For a period of two months, the Treasury Monies previously delegated to the Tigereye Mercenary Company shall be used to establish and equip the Lower Watch House, and recruit and train additional Watchmen.

      iii. At the end of this two month period, the Council’s budget allocation for the Watch shall be scaled to that which the elected Council deems appropriate.

      iv. The division of Watch funding between Watch Houses shall be at the discretion of the Sheriff, as the Sheriff is answerable both to the elected Council and the Free People of Sanctuary.

    2) The Sheriff and elected Council shall appoint one Lieutenant of Lower (hereafter referred to as the Lieutenant). The Lieutenant shall report directly to the Sheriff of the Watch.

      i. The Lieutenant shall oversee the patrolling and policing of Lower Sanctuary, the Canal and the Canal Gate, including the routine operations of the Lower Watch House;

      ii. The Lieutenant is charged with the establishment and maintenance of cordial relations between the Watch and the Free People of Lower Sanctuary and the Canal.

      iii. If the Lieutenant is found to be ineffective in his responsibilities (as outlined in points i. and ii.), the Lieutenant shall be removed from this position by the Sheriff and elected Council and a new Lieutenant shall be appointed within three darks. This does not mean the removed Lieutenant is removed from the Watch. Indeed, the staffing of the Watch remains the Sheriff’s discretion.

    3) Watchmen shall not recognize divisions between Upper Sanctuary, Lower Sanctuary or the Canal area. At the discretion of the Sheriff and Lieutenant, Watchmen based at either Watch House may include any portion of Sanctuary in their patrols and the execution of their duty.

    4) In the interest of aiding Watch investigations, arrested criminals will be held in the Watch House nearest to where the initial crime took place. Arrests made in Lower Sanctuary or the Canal areas must be reported to the Lieutenant no later than two hours from the time of the arrest. The whereabouts of the arrested person or persons must be included in the report to the Lieutenant.

Further, this Accord recognizes that the Order of the Spellguard was established to make safe the Free People of Sanctuary. In that this Accord also recognizes the rift between the Free People of Lower Sanctuary and the Spellguard, this Accord shall set forth the following:
    1) Spellguard Agents on official duty in Lower Sanctuary or the Canal areas shall wear the official robes of the Spellguard when said areas. Spellguard Agents not wearing the official robes of the Spellguard shall be considered to be off-duty and shall be treated with the dignities and protections granted all freemen and citizens of Sanctuary.

    2) When on official duty in Lower Sanctuary and the Canal areas, Spellguard Agents shall be accompanied by a Watchman, answerable to the Lieutenant.

    3) Spellguard Agents on official duty may make arrests as they deem necessary for the execution of their duty. Arrests made in Lower Sanctuary or the Canal areas must be reported to the Lieutenant no later than two hours from the time of the arrest. The whereabouts of the arrested person or persons must be included in the report to the Lieutenant.


For the defense of a unified Sanctuary from its many foes, this Accord sets forth the following:

    1) The Gates of Sanctuary shall be held by the Watch with the assistance of the Order of the Spellguard and citizens’ groups as deemed appropriate by the Watch.

    2) The Borders of Sanctuary and the surrounding areas of Dunwarren and the Dark Lake shall be patrolled by the Seekers, with the assistance of the Watch, the Order of the Spellguard and citizens’ groups as deemed appropriate by the Seekers.

The acceptance of this Accord shall require no less than a majority vote in its favour by both the elected Council of Sanctuary and the Lower Council. Its terms shall be effective immediately upon acceptance. The names of all members of the elected Council and the Lower Council shall be recorded, with their vote, and registered with the Office of the Herald.

19 Eleint, 151 1373 Dale Reckoning

As we work out the details of reunification, I urge and thank the people of Sanctuary for their patience as this conflict is resolved. Through unity comes strength.

The security problem within the Lower Ward will soon be rectified, that Sanctuary is more secure. We must never forget the suffering of those below, the plight of those in need.

The great tragedy of Sanctuary has been that even in the face of implacable enemies and evil beyond reckoning, we have not ourselves united and cooperated to ensure mutual security and prosperity. We hope to rectify the mistakes of the past, and I am confident we have chosen the right path in this process of reunification.

The path of peaceful cooperation with our brothers below has been taken, and I am confident all of Sanctuary will reap the benefits.