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*letter to Sergeant Marshall, sealed with wax*


I am looking forward to serving Sanctuary, but upon thought have become concerned about serving as a deputy. It troubles me to consider that carrying the privileges of deputy would make me beholden and subject to the orders of any member of the Watch.

As this is not a paid position, and I am not formally considered a member of the Watch, I would like to stress that I or any other member of my Clan will likely respond favorably to the notion of taking orders from the Watch. Particularly those that would conflict with my priorities and responsibilities as the Thane of th Stoutheart Clan.

If you would, I'd like a written statement as to the rights, responsibilities and expectations of those of this deputy status.

Further, at this time any deputized Stouthearts will not be patrolling Sanctuary and we'll not be committing to any actions that are deemed foolhardy by the Council of Elders. I will commit to being a liason between the Watch and the Clan, and if you feel strongly on certain issues and convince me of the same, I'll do my best to persuade my kinsman of their import and wisdom.

I thank you for your efforts to impart legal power to myself and selected Stouthearts, and hope that this attempt to clarify the status of a deputy is not received poorly.

As ever, your fellow defender of Sanctuary,

Thane Rollo Stoneshield