Joe Desu
2007-01-02 23:50:53 UTC
I haven't ben able to successfully log onto the EFUSL for about two or three weeks now.
Is anyone else able to access their records?
I only can get a list of current players.
George Bernard Shaw "A government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support of Paul."
2007-01-02 23:58:29 UTC
Sure you're using the right username/password combination? I've had no trouble whatsoever.
2007-01-03 04:55:19 UTC
Shouldn't be any issues. Gamespy account name and the password you set in game with /c password
Joe Desu
2007-01-03 05:52:17 UTC
I undid my saved passwords and redid and I can get back on again, Thanks.