Scholar Tyrell,
The Society of the Ordered Mind, and specifically myself, is in the process of assembling a series of lectures and informative works on the aberrant threat that exists in the western environs outside Sanctuary, and within the settlement itself. I have read your highly-regarded works on the history of Sanctuary, Dunwarren, and the various aberration presences outside Sanctuary, and I now enter a formal request for a sharing or transfer of information regarding the aberration threats within or near Sanctuary, be it historical data or mere conjecture, if you believe you have any collected knowledge or insights into these threats that the Society's archives do not already possess. This information will, with your permission, be used in a series of oral presentations and possible literary records, should it be appropriate. In short, I'd like to discuss the aberrations you have studied, especially the Sleeping Pyrimo and Intryzz. If you find time to detract from your no doubt tiring schedule of collating information in the Town Hall, leave word at the Society of the Ordered Mind Chapterhouse.
-Ordinant Kelarand