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lol on forums using the wii

merry xmas! clucky & phoenix

Quick! Delete your post before the Wii hating beast known as Ladocidea sees it

Someone said Wii? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2964751562925463883

alogen Someone said Wii? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2964751562925463883

-_o Very very funny... *Place alogen in the whipping list*

Alright Alogan... no more U-tube for you young man. Damn funny but the Wii still sucks.... only good game is coming out on Game Cube so i dont have to bother with it. PS3 here we come.... if i can afford it. Damn you Sony, why do you hurt us with your insane prices.

Kenny-285 Alright Alogan... no more U-tube for you young man. Damn funny but the Wii still sucks.... only good game is coming out on Game Cube so i dont have to bother with it. PS3 here we come.... if i can afford it. Damn you Sony, why do you hurt us with your insane prices.

Alogen >:]

Wasn't my fault, been awake too much....

As for now I'm awake for 23.5 hours.. =X night to you all,

And merry Christmas!!

I'm an Xbox bitch all the way.

w00t! go xbox.... and Halo! Can't wait till Halo 3 comes out, anyone seen the trailers for it?

Xbox rules all

xbox = car radiator

I goes for the computer, screw you guys! :lol:

Everyone knows the sophisticated and discerning consumer plays PC games, and only plays consoles when the PC is out of town. >_>