*the following is penned in an elegant and flowing script*
Dear Seeker Ivlysar, My name is Wendall Hood and, while we have not met, I do believe that the Seeker Orison has mentioned me at least in passing. I have heard that you are the artist par excellance, and in my passings have been able to verify this through the casual observance of your works about the Seekers' Hall. I myself am something of an amateur painter, but have met with many difficulties in pursuing my craft at this depth, as many of the materials I need have been nigh impossible to locate.
It has recently come to my attention that you are one of the founding members of Sanctuary and, as such, my reasons for contacting you are two-fold. I am in charge of a small project that is to commemorate the historical figures and heroes of Sanctuary's past. Since you are both an artist and a founder, I feel I would best be suited in speaking with you to determine the best and most accurate ways of portraying various figures, as well as deciding upon which figures to include. I eagerly await your response.
Sincerely, Wendall Hood