To whom it may concern:
Here is a summary of the patrol log and activities we have undertaken to fullfill our contract and keep the beasts at bay in order to protect Sanctuary.
I would like all instances recorded where a Stout patrolled the area of our new Clanhome after the time which we were awarded the contrace, whether with kin or not.
Henceforth, each instance a Stout patrols the area, record who your companions were below and what type of encounters you faced. Duplicate reports from members of the same party are not necessary.
~ Thane Stoneshield ~
I have been a part of five patrols already, and will do so each sleep as well.
------------------------------------------------------------- Gloinar Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:22 pm i went in today with Kasin, we encounterd many eyeballs and one ratman, all procedes were donated
------------------------------------------------------ Kasin Moonbane Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:48 am I cleared out the area of creatures on patrol
------------------------------------------------------ Granite Joined: 25 Jul 2006 On patrol and encountered many winged chosen and a big Eyeball Thingy. Was just meself and that sneaky Baltazar lad. He snuck in further and said there were dozens so we called off the patrol. I be a tough one (as tough as me name some say) but not a fool so we left.
--------------------------------------------- Rollo Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:02 pm Another successful patrol with Talhund Obryn, Gloinar and two young Stoutheart candidates. Talhund Obryn Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:15 pm Patrol completed - Talhund Obryn -------------------------------
Rollo Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:06 pm Went on a patrol myself, and successfully cleared 4 more flying chosen and a powerful undead eyeball.
~ Thane Rollo Stoneshield ~
------------------------------------------------------ Rollo Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:54 pm
Two more successful patrols today with Fist Krack Firebeard, and Elder Fist Tuur.
Apparently the Watch or some Stouthearts brought the trappings from Tornbeard and put them in the new Clanhome. The table, keg, donation bowl, and even the empty keg and Thorigan's axe even. It is beginning to feel like home, and needs a name.
I will pray to Berronar to guide me in naming this place.
~ Thane Stoneshield ~
_________________ Gloinar Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:03 pm i ventured in with Tuur, we killed a few eyeballs and i put in a good deal of coin as did Tuur.
Gloinar Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:38 pm
another patrol, had to make a sending for extras, we took out maybe twenty chosen including mages as well as eyeballs.
_________________ Snorri Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:55 pm I Patrolled myself and killed four Mage Eaters... the worrying thing is that they where right at the door at the lower entrance however they where dispatched easy enough.
_________________ Baltazar Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:46 am
Scouted the area briefly today, by myself. First went into the hold and checked the furnishings. Right fine! Deposited 1000 gold as Thane requested and rattled the locks. Upper gate was real secure. Couldn't crack that one if my life depended on it Lower gate was a bit rusty, but opened slick and smooth after I hocked a loogie into it for some lubrication. Think I gummed up the works, though . If I get some better tools, I'll take it apart and see about fixing it up a bit.
Encountered two flying chosen and some kind of finger-waggler outside, too. Chosen don't take too kindly to firebombs and a few modified rat traps! Managed to take out the two warriors and nearly the waggler until his waggling took a hold of my legs and run me off back up the stairs without my head's consent. Saw a few bats, but they weren't threatening so I left them.
Tuur Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:59 pm Completed a patrol with others ------------------------------------------- Snorri Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:46 am Kasin Moonsbane and myself encountred two greter undead beholders and four of thier smaller brothers we dispatched all of them.
_________________ Kasin Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:12 am 10 patrols completed on me own, i think Snorri be logging the one i did with him ((no one was on to go with me ))
15 Flying Rats men killed
4 Flying rat men mages
3 Greater undead eyeball mages
5 Smaller undead eyeball mages
_________________ Month 1 Conclusion:
The threat to Sanctuary is under control for the moment due to our regular patrols. I have posted a guide to assist those who must need face the threat that still infests this place.
At some point, we will need to clear the stairs downward, or fly down, and see what lies down in the depths below.
We formally request a Spellguard agent to perform some reconnaissance and fly down to see what lies below, we would suggest invisibly. Or, we would request being given the magical means to either fly a small team or a single individual down to investigate.
Failing those suggestions, we would like the usage of an animitron to remove the massive boulders that have become lodged and compacted in the stairwell down. Some means of telekinesis of the rubble might also be quite helpful, as we fear it will be several months before we would be able to clear this by hand.