*written with childish sketchy letters*
Dear watchman or watchwoman,
Bodoc would like to make a report, today Bodoc was bored so he made multiple sendings to gather hunting group and aid city for coin and fun. Many people came to help Bodoc including a pointy in CDF uniform like Bodoc saw Merle wear. Together with bigguns, a beard and a green little man Bodoc went to hunt Chosen thingies down the sewers. We fought many, many of them and one mentioned he was hungry or something about his appitite, but we did well and Bodoc himself killed many wich he is proud off.
However after we where done some wanted to go back to this big black pit of nothingness where chosen make sacrifeses Bodoc thinks. Here the dwarf and an ugly biggun pushed the pointy in uniform down the pit!!
Bodoc thinks this was verry nasty of them and thus wrote a report he already spoke to a nice biggun watchman inside the watchhouse but he also said Bodoc should write it down so thats why Bodoc is now sitting down and writing this down for Bodoc thought it was indeed a wise idea to sit down and write it down.
Bodoc is unsure of the name of beard and ugly biggun, though the ugly biggun did speak silly and was verry ugly even by biggin standards... no offence meant if the watchman or woman reading this is a biggun himself.
Oh Bodoc does know the name of two others that went along and saw it happen aswell, these where biggun Seamon who fights with farm tools and hands.. maybe he's poor and Bodoc should buy him a weapon?... and Biggun Devon Swift.
Let it be known that Bodoc did not think it was a verry nice thing of the ugly man and beard..
Oh also when Bodoc went back to town before the others the ugly biggun followed Bodoc upstairs in the rock wich Bodoc found to be fishy, so Bodoc drank some porions and slipped passed him and went to safe place for Bodoc does not want to end like pointy in uniform.
Oh Bodoc remembers now that ugly biggun also went to have a chat with chosen thingy and they send Bodoc and others away.
PS. Bodoc will check serveral inns for watch letters..
PPS.. Not the nasty inns, Bodoc not like the nasty inns.