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*letter to Tagnar Rockcrusher*


I would speak with you at the behest of Sergeant Marshall.

She thinks I need to hear something from you, and as I am a curious old Stout, I would hear it if you're to say it.

Rollo Stoneshield

I would speak with you... I have no wish to own your clan home... I gav it over to the first stout i saw.. i just wished at the time not to have it fall into the hands of Fawkes... I spoke on the behalf of the Dwarves who were loyal to you.... Not for personal gain.... Your Dwarves seemed to give up all hope and wished only to leave into the wilderness... I asked them if they would speak to the Watch about your Home and they said to me that it didnt matter what happened to it and they didnt care... I would not let that happen to something you all faught for, so I went on behalf of Dwarves who were in your clan and said i wished to see that the Stairs stay in the possession of your clan... I hope to see you and your clan walk through the city once more.. and am awaiting your return... If you wish to speak with me, Im usually in the rock. Farewell Rollo