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Q & A on the latest Decrees

Councillor Meldren made an announcement calling citizens to the Town Hall for a Question/Answer session regarding the most recent decrees about the exile of various Slaver and Monstrous Races. The gyst of the questions and answers is detailed below. Councillor Fryar was present as well.

The laws as stated are to be taken literally, meaning that there is nothing forbidding citizens of Sanctuary from killing the various Slaver and Monstrous Races; they are not permitted within the City Gates.

The law however is not in effect for another [noon EST tomorrow]. This provision was added to give the various races now banned time to pack up their belongings and exit the City.

Citizens were implored to exercise common sense and restraint, and to not resort to violence, in favor of forms of compulsion that do not involve the sword.

The issue regarding Half-orcs, Tieflings, and Duergar, was touched upon. Councillor Meldren stated that the half-orcs and tieflings who cause trouble are relatively few in number, and there are occasionally exceptions who do not cause the trouble the others do. He argued that goblins and kobolds were in such a great number that the only logical course of action was a blanket ban on them. About the duergar, it was said that they are no longer permitted citizenship, but are allowed inside the City, because the city is still reliant upon their goods; as there is still no alternate source for weapons and supplies large enough to provide for the entire city.

Meldren further clarified one of the clauses of the decrees, stating that Guests do not have a guaranteed right to trial, that it may be denied them entirely, but that only Councillors have the right to sentence a guest to death or exile without trial.

Fryar commented that legislation was in the works to allow only members of civil defense institutions to enforce the recent law, and was expected to pass very soon.

As the session ended, Fryar and Meldren were seen leaving the podium with a man identified by name as Mr. Cole for a discussion regarding a number of questions he had asked on the subject of the kobolds who guarded the gate in Lower Sanctuary.