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Council Decree: Banishment of the Monsters

A crier working for the Office of the Herald makes the following proclamation at the podium in the Town Hall. Shortly thereafter, written copies are posted for all to see.

On this day, the Fourth of Eleint, of the 151st Year since the Founding of our fair city, the Town Council of Sanctuary hereby passes by majority vote the following:

    In accordance with the act eliminating the rights of citizenship from a large number of slaver and monstrous races, this amendment to the law's purpose is to further define their rights, or lack there-of.

    Effective 36 hours from the time of the passing of this law and a subsequent decree announcing the provisions thereof, all creatures and races listed below are to be barred from the city, and killed on sight.

    The creatures and races are as follows:

    • Drow
    • Goblins
    • Kobolds
    • Minotaur
    • Illithids
    • Beholders
    • Hobgoblins
    • Ogres
    • Giants
    • Lizardfolk
    • Trolls
    • Orcs
    Additionally, the Council may grant "Guest" rights to a particular individual through a majority vote.

    Any member of the Council, Watch, or Spellguard may grant temporary access to one of the above creatures for a period not to exceed twelve hours, so long as the creature remains within that official's custody. This ability is to be used for situations in which the Council wishes to negotiate with an emissary of another settlement.

    Furthermore, the only government funded officials capable of sentencing a 'Guest' of Sanctuary to death, or of legally bringing about the death of said 'Guest' are the Councillors, elected by the registered citizens of the City, as well as the Mayor.

    The Councillors of Sanctuary further have the right to exile a 'Guest' of Sanctuary without trial.

As stated, this shall take effect thirty six hours from the time of this proclamation. Copies of this decree are being sent to the civil defense forces of our city.

Thank you for your time.

That is all.