2006-12-15 20:41:04 UTC
I have been requesting for the Spellguard to ward Barak-Tor, or at least the Hold to allow for spellcasting to prepare and recover from the pitched battles we wage with the never-ending flood of Chosen and undead eyeballs that infest the area.
What is the status of our request? It has been several weeks since I made this reqest, and Operative Miller still has not contacted us much less warded the area as you had asked me earlier.
My thanks in your prompt action in this matter,
Thane Rollo Stoneshield
2006-12-18 02:47:48 UTC
*This letter sits at the top of Agent Lathain's "IN" box*
DrUNk AnD DiSsoRderLy
2006-12-18 08:40:32 UTC
My apologies for the late reply. Things have been quite busy of late. There is not much I can do now, I'm afraid, apart from meet with Operative Miller personally. He is known to be forgetful at times. I'll let you know once I have spoken to him.
Agent Lathain
Order of the Spellguard
2006-12-18 15:21:09 UTC
Agent Lathain,
I must admit to you with no small embarrassment that I was accused of spellcasting in Barak Tor, and found guilty of this crime.
Although it was considered a minor crime, this however does not lessen my shame at violating Sanctuary Law. Despite my divine castings being necessary to fulfill the contract and to keep my kinsman safe, I have erred and wish to inform the Spellguard that I will work hard to see that it does not happen again.
My question to you is twofold. Is the area considered a part of Sanctuary? Or more properly a part of Dunwarren? The area of Dunwarren just past the old Toeberski estate and the rather nervous fellow guarding that area is not warded, yet people cast there freely, no?
Secondly, there are arcane users among the many flying Chosen and undead Beholder-kin that assault us with various magics when we seek to eliminate them. What sense is there to not responding to their magical attacks with our own castings? If the drow or other creatures sensitive to the use of magics can hone in on their attacks, is not the damage already present? Do further castings increase the danger? It seems illogical to me to restrain from using magics when the air is already thick with their castings from the mages amongst the Chosen and Beholder-kin.
Yet I concede to the Spellguard the right to determine what is and is not lawful in these cases, and wish primarily not to break the vow I gave the Sheriff that I will not cast in unwarded Barak Tor again.
Shall I send a letter to Operative Miller then? Or is he already aware of our need?
My thanks to on addressing these matters Agent Lathain, and again my sincere apologies that I did not consider the greater danger of casting my blessings when I was confronting the immediate danger of the Chosen.
Thane Rollo Stoneshield
2006-12-19 18:31:42 UTC
Agent Lathain,
I would like to point out that it has been several months since you informed me that the Spellguard would likely ward Barak Tor and its environs to allow spellcasting. Indeed, you informed me of this when Agent Nikitovitch was still in your order and he was still developing the contract.
I have since recently spoken to Operative Ferrington, [is this his correct rank?] and he informed me that the Spellguard is very busy.
I have been recently been fined for illegal casting, and my inability to do so as a result of my vow that I would adhere to your law, has nearly resulted in my death when beset by Chosen and an invisible human assassin named Sahern Mumford who cast fireballs at me and mine. I have filed a report with the Watch, but as this man is a mage and quite visible in society, I suggest you look into this madman's whereabouts and swiftly bring him to justice before he hurts anyone else.
Further, I request deputy powers in order to properly administer the area, and protect citizens from wandering down and risking their lives. A new person to Sanctuary came down and wandered about despite our pleas to return back up the Stairs. Luckily, only bats were about, but had it been Chosen, I'm sure he would have been slain and the responsibility would have been laid at our feet.
As always, I appreciate your prompt response and professionalism.
Thane Rollo Stoneshield