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A Letter to Ivlysar Tal'en'qir, at the Seekers HQ

Mister Tal'en'qir,

My name is Ashur Chiron, and I am trying to learn more about Sanctuary and other things. Your group has done a very thorough job of cataloguing the areas around Sanctuary, and from a brief conversation with you it seems to me that you are a realistic man who does not let his bias get in the way of his work. I like that very much.

I am trying to learn more about the history of the Canal that flows through Lower Sanctuary, and the exploration of the Dark Lake. I have exchanged letters with Councilmember Adelia Tyrell, and she wrote this:

The following quotation is copied meticulously, and likely took quite some time, since even the handwriting is accurate to the original.

Adelia Tyrell Frederick Bresley even spent some time building a most remarkable explorer's vessel suitable for long-term exploration throughout the lake. It was supposedly a marvel of boat-craft, and was quite expensive to build, but I am aware of no record that indicates what happened to it. The "S.S. Freedom" it was called.

I was wondering if you had any information on this project, its history, and whether it still exists somewhere. Thank you very much for your time.

Sincerely, Ashur Chiron Care of: The Rock Bottom Inn