Right now, all the DMs are scratching their heads and asking themselves, "WTF?!? Who the hell does this njub think he is, offering us DMing tips?"
Then they clicked the link below and understood.
You can click the link too.
Right now, all the DMs are scratching their heads and asking themselves, "WTF?!? Who the hell does this njub think he is, offering us DMing tips?"
Then they clicked the link below and understood.
You can click the link too.
I was almost hoping for a some rant that totally made no sense and tried to burn the DMs in an ignorant and arrogant way. >.>
I have a DMing tip:
Give Harlstar 10000 XP so he can level faster
I have a posting tip: don't.
Aside from that, funny link.
man i havent read anything that funny in ages..classic strip
Inquisitor I was almost hoping for a some rant that totally made no sense and tried to burn the DMs in an ignorant and arrogant way. >.>
We leave the willful combinations of the two to yourself, Inq.
Woot this thing's great! Hilarious! Sensational! Brilliant! I love it!
I didn't think it was that funny.
Order of the stick is much funnier, as far as DnD comics go.
I liked it.
9livesInquisitor I was almost hoping for a some rant that totally made no sense and tried to burn the DMs in an ignorant and arrogant way. >.>We leave the willful combinations of the two to yourself, Inq.
By the way... Who are you?
Gandalf's Staff +2 to Awesome
I've been laughing constantly for the last... 35 minutes and I'm not finished with this thing yet.
Bring back the Comely. :( :( :(
Please. :( :( :(
It would make a lot of people's Christmas brighter on EfU!
Haha, good fun.
Aragorn: Have you seen my starting equipment? All I have is a broken sword.
"Fear of Girls"
If you haven't seen it-- its the tale of what most of us went thru after high school.
Or what we are going thru now.
Neither Fear of Girls or the other one were nearly as funny as DM of the Rings. "Aragorn : Does this town have a whorehouse or anything? DM : Certainly not! Aragorn : This town sucks!"
"Aragorn : No brothels! Again! Frodo : Well, talk to Dumbledore here. Maybe he can summony you some babes or something DM/gandalf : Gandalf Frodo : Gesundheit "
Jayde MoonNo, THIS is much funnier.
And I suppose it could be off-topic... but it's kinda on-topic. It's about DnD...
Jayde Moon wrote:
No, THIS is much funnier.And I suppose it could be off-topic... but it's kinda on-topic. It's about DnD...
Woa, Doubled. :)
No. The French one is way funnier.
Neither Fear of Girls or the other one were nearly as funny as DM of the Rings. "Aragorn : Does this town have a whorehouse or anything? DM : Certainly not! Aragorn : This town sucks!"
Should I be sacred that these remind me of my own games?
Player: I'm going to run into the group of women and drop my weapon. Me: Alright [rolls], they stab you, several times for X Damage for entering their threatened square Player: I still think I can turn them to good Me: They're bloody vampires!Last time I -ever- have female NPCs in a campaign.
Oh come on i wasn't that bad... I was just trying to do my reinfield on them...
Yes thats right, lives. Lives for the master.
But seriously you are that bad.... its like trying to control a mad bull. Load messy and some one will get hurt. If its me that is DM'ing then its normally you but I am fair and spread the punishment around to those that are decerving of it. You know of whom I speak dont you Mikhail.
Don't be hijackin the thread you crazy Scots!!!
I bring you back with this classic.
It's not -that- funny.
Jayde Moon Don't be hijackin the thread you crazy Scots!!!I bring you back with this classic.