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Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:44 pm

EfU Founder and eNoogie giver

Joined: 30 Aug 2005 Posts: 3041

Your scribe scroll feat is only good for any arcane spells your character might know, not spells learned from the character's cleric levels. No bug.

sorry howland i had to repost casue it does seem to be a bug... i can make other divine scrolls (bless remove fear hold person, magic weapon.. have made already) as well as other arcane scrolls (grease sleep annd ... lol... ray of frost)

so again.. is their a legitimate reason why my lvl 1 wizard/lvl3 cleric is unable to scribe the scroll melfs acid arrow that he gets as a divine spell due to his domain... i do not get the "lack of experiance" or "lack of gold" messages

Spells gained through domains currently can't be made into scrolls, as far as I know.

okay.. thanks.. guessed that might be it.. any plans to get that changed that you are aware of? my character believes in being prepared (( i have spent easily 2000 gold on 1st and 2nd level scroll making... just so i dont run into a situation where she says "dam.. i knew i needed to memorize ****** spell"

Locking this; covering it elsewhere.