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[Letter to Thrania]

Miss Sureshadow,

Here is my story, as promised. We need to meet soon to discuss a salary.

Public Opinion Turns Against Goblins

In the wake of violent crimes on the part of a goblin necromancer and the murder of a member of the Watch, public opinion has been turning steadily against the local goblin population.

Rumors circulating about a powerful undead knight operating in Lower as the goblin’s agent of destruction preceded his death and, as it were, the elimination of the Red Claw orc brood, infamous for their faith in the dark god Gruumsh, who were protecting the goblin menace. He is believed to be dead.

“They’re a menace,” one citizen who wished for anonymity said. “I’ve heard that they’re to blame for the disappearances that have occurred all around the city. They sacrifice ‘em to their dark god.”

Victoria Brackish, an up-and-coming woman who had joined the Watch’s ranks in an effort to warn the city about the menace that the goblins posed to the populace was silenced, but not in vain. Though she was killed by an agent of the goblin scourge, her memory – and her warning – live on.