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i am i lvl 1 wizard lvl 3 priestes of mystra with the magic and spells domains.. as such as a second level priest spell i have access to melfs acid arrow.. no problems with that.. the "bug" is that i can not make a melfs acid arrow scroll.. even though i can memorise and cast... i have made several other scrolls.. it does not give me the " not enough exp" or "not enough gold" text.. it simply says i fail.... but i have tried 8 times... whats the deal? please? i am able to and do make other second level scrolls all the time (which is why i am always broke now) will this affect the mage armor spell i get as bonus due to domain as well?

Your scribe scroll feat is only good for any arcane spells your character might know, not spells learned from the character's cleric levels. No bug.