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Letter passed to Thrania

There are voices in Sanctuary that describe the Lower Council and the people who support it as rebels, criminals, thugs, gang leaders, and miscreants. The truth is, we're an imperfect group of well intentioned men that are doing our very best to move all of Sanctuary along in a direction that's better for everyone.

Recently, the Lower Council unanimously voted to put forth the following proclamation: "We, the Lower Council of Sanctuary, ultimately desire to see a fully unified Sanctuary whose people are represented on a single Council. During this time of transition, we represent the interests of the people of Lower to ensure that this comes to pass in a fair and equitable way."

Perhaps the biggest obstacle that's preventing this is the continued existence of the Order of the Spellguard. As any student of history knows, the Spellguard have been murdering citizens and engaging in tyranny practically since they were founded.

However, even in the more recent past certain of their foul acts have come to light. Reports from highly trusted sources indicate the following recent misdeeds:

(1) On a mission to kill an illithid and steal the secrets of its technology and magic, the Spellguard deliberately sought out the assistance of a devil and agreed to sacrifice a living human being to it in order for it to help them. The sacrifice was conducted despite the best efforts of the few men and women of good conscience who had been duped to aid in the mission.

(2) In order to gain entrance to the Spellguard, Associates are assigned to tasks to prove that they're prepared to get their hands dirty. One such recent mission is believed to have involved the assassination of Lower leader Tommy Ten-irons.

With these kinds of actions, it is clear that the Spellguard Organization itself is totally corrupt from top to bottom. There is little hope of its redemption. Although the total disbanding of the order would be preferred, at the very least the Upper Council should agree to conducting an investigation and proclaiming once and for all that the Spellguard have no authority in Lower and will never have authority in Lower. An act of this kind would be a positive step forward on the road to a unified and free Sanctuary.

The Lower Footmen The streets of Lower need protection and policing. If you're looking to do some good in this world, contact the Lower Council to determine how you can best help in protecting the streets of Lower from the enemies of its people. Here is a chance to make a difference.