2006-12-10 17:23:39 UTC
[In a finely penned script]
My name is Amelorfin Meline, and I have noticed your postings around the city requesting men for the watch. I have decided I would like to lend my experience to you and your organization, and can be contacted at the Rock Bottom.
~Amelorfin Meline.
2006-12-10 17:32:25 UTC
Eleasis 26, 151
Amelorfin Meline
Rock Bottom Inn
Regard Watch Recruitment
I'll work to arrange a meeting with you. When is a good time?
Sergeant Fawkes
2006-12-10 17:50:38 UTC
I am unsure an exact time I shall be around. I am free this evening but also have much time tomorrow should you be around.
~Amelorfin Meline
// finals schedule, so times are hectic. Should be around tonight or tomorrow, CST.