Ok this is probably not a great idea, but it would be fun. Suppose Traensyr was another city with quests and all that kind of like Sanctuary. Drow players could live there and form raids against Sanctuary, take prisoners for slaves or ransom, ect. Sanctuary could attack back as well and damage the city or assassinate someone or rescue someone else. In a Nordock server I played in (and Spirrowmint/Iria DMed in) the server was split into Underdark and Surface, and we raided each other all the time. It was really fun!
There is a lot of in character information that explains why or why not this is currently already a possibility.
Ah sorry, didn't see that.
While an interesting idea, I don't think that the dynamic you're interested in would really work between the indomitable city of Traensyr and fledging settlement of Sanctuary, given that one is vastly, vastly, vastly more powerful than the other, to the point that its existence would barely register. To get a good "opposed cities" dynamic going, I think you'd want two settlements of roughly equal power and resources (though perhaps with power and resources of different types).