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Top 10 ways to tell Illum is DMing - an IRC Compilation

1.) You meet a group of NPCs, all of whom have names starting with K. 2.) You hear a bunch of shouts to the effect of "LOOK AT ALL THIS LOOT THAT IM SPAWNING FOR MYSELF IN THE DM AREA" 3) Sandwiches 4.) The NPCs start sucking each other off. 5.) The npc continually asks you "how it tastes?" while stabbing you 6.) The NPCs have come here to bring it to the limit. 7.) Tyrell's milkshake brings all the boys to the Town Hall. 8.) The character is evil. 9.) Everything is haunted 10.) You're dead. 10.5) Naked 11.) After killing you all, he immediately demands that you take screenshots and post them to the forum, because he loves seeing his name in print. 12.) Yorrick Bresley is chargin' his lazer. 13.) Yorrick Bresley is firin' his lazer. 14.) Pelvic thrusting 15.) The NPC's make you rue it 16.) And rue it hard

[18:33] <ninelives> You don't even need to look at the player list to know if Illum's DMing. [18:34] <ninelives> You just look for an NPC with the longest name ever.


4 7 12 13 Reporting in.

17) NPCs ignite by the roomful.

Wow... I'm starting to think i should be scared of Illuminaughty...

And not just because he's a DM...


Wow... I'm starting to think i should be scared of Illuminaughty...

It took you how long to work that out?

XD :lol: :D :lol:

To clarify, I didnt make these up, just compiled them. If you dont like them, dont complain to me via forum PM. Sweet, thanks.

I always found Illum rather entertaining.

#Whatever.) The Cell Guard watching your prisoner is Big, Fat, Hairy and Hungry, or Private Kissing Kate.