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Chloe Windstrum's portrait

A few people have been asking about the portrait of my character

This is the link to download it:


This is the image:


wtg garnet

or should i say


lovethesuit wtg garnet

or should i say


...isnt the portrait the character they designed for FF11? *shrugs*

it's ff9's garnet, or am i going mad?

Nobody ever plays ugly female PC's :(

Wrong, I've seen a "big boned" female already, (Damn! forgot her name).

Anyway, I would like to see a hot char when I play it, lol, even though I don't expect it to be in RL, or think anything nasty about her..

(for god's sake, its an animation!)

I've played a greataxe swinging ugly human lady before...the little fold **gnomes/halflings** almost worshipped her.

Thats the princess from final fantasy nine!!!

you WILL get the monkey-kid. You WILL post the download like, and then you WILL see your next birthday

*waves a Mage-Masher menacingly*

As for fugly famale chars. Lona Balaedor.

alogen Wrong, I've seen a "big boned" female already, (Damn! forgot her name).

Anyway, I would like to see a hot char when I play it, lol, even though I don't expect it to be in RL, or think anything nasty about her..

(for god's sake, its an animation!)

Issa Hohks?