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Lion king

Thought I'd share this with everyone


I can't beleive that you started quoteing the lion king... Then again Jozan kept quoting Starwars to me.

'Wretched hive of Scum and Villainy" is too good a quote to not use...

Mydur and I were using warcries we stole from Futurama. "Our enemies shall be eaten by squirrels!" He's a druid so he can get away with that one :) I love seeing little ooc references in game, just to see who catches it.

On the topic of Lion King.

Hahaha good one :D

As you can see right at the end there i (Ayame) was about to quote something i read in a Garfield comic. The chicken and the Egg thing.

the chicken and the egg....why the hell did you stop that?


RL: Harlstar, your an idiot.

*after taking back the laptop*

I stoped because umm... Which came first? Chicken or the egg?